James Robertson
Helping busy professional dads to live a HEALTHIER, LEANER and LONGER life through my proven coaching strategies. Subscribe to my newsletter ‘Fit Dad Formula’ and receive FREE coaching tips, programmes and products.
Includes my ‘Time to Transform, a guide to weight training’ ebook completely free.
Lets talk calories and bear with me I promise this will not be another boring read telling you what you already know. Instead I’m going to explain how you burn calories everyday so you can maximise your time and achieve the best transformation as easily as possible.
This is term you probably haven’t heard about, it stands for (TOTAL DAILY ENERGY EXPENDITURE) this refers to the amount of calories you burn everyday. So why is this important and why do I want you to fully understand what it means.
If you want to reduce your body fat you need to achieve what is known as a calorie deficit, this refers to the difference between the calories you burn and the calories you consume. If you want to reduce your body fat sustainably week on week you need to aim for a 20% deficit. This means you consume 20% less calories than you burn. Lets say you burn 3000 calories a day, a 20% deficit would mean you are consuming 600 less calories than you are burning each day. Now 1lbs of body fat contains 3500 calories, so if you were consistent with your 20% deficit each day you would burn 1.2lbs of body fat per week. Doesn’t sound like a lot but but you would struggle to balance that in your hand. If you carried on with this strategy after 6 months you would burn 29lbs of body fat, or 13kg that’s nearly a whole stone in pure body fat.
That would transform your health, fitness as well as your appearance.
COACHING TIP: Don’t confuse weight loss on the scales with total fat loss! Your weight loss will include fat loss, water loss and potentially muscle breakdown. So as much as I am saying you would lose 13kg in 6 months, the weight shown on the scales would be much more.
So that’s the theory on how to maximise your results, so how can you increase the amount of calories you burn so you can easily achieve your 20% deficit without purely reducing food.
This pyramid shows the 4 areas which consume your daily energy and yes your daily energy is finite, its not infinite. In order to achieve week on week results and more easily manage your energy balance (calories in Vs calories out) you need to pay attention to each section of this pyramid and implement a daily habit into your routine which maximises calories burnt.
BMR: This refers to your ‘Basal Metabolic Rate’, this is the amount of calories your body requires simply to function and for all the internal processes to take place. If you were to lay in bed all day and not move, this is how many calories you would burn.
Your BMR equates to around 70% of your total energy usage.
How can you increase amount of BMR calories burnt?
Your BMR you can’t directly influence on a day to day basis as this is dictated by your height and weight. That said overtime you can, the less you weigh the less calories you will burn each day so your BMR will reduce. However, the more muscle you have the higher your BMR will become. So how can you burn more calories each day while doing nothing, build more muscle! Muscle is expensive and requires a lot of calories to run. You will rarely see a man with a decent amount of muscle mass looking over weight (unless he’s competing in WSM). So the key here is to weight train regularly and increase your muscle size and density, this will positively impact your BMR.
NEAT: This stands for (Non Exercise Activity Thermogenesis) and refers to the amount of calories you burn through everyday movement that is NOT planned exercise. This includes EVERYTHING, walking, blinking, moving your hands when you talk, doing housework, everything requires calories to operate.
?NEAT equates to around 15% of total energy usage and is the second largest variable.
How can you increase amount of NEAT calories burnt?
Your NEAT calories are almost impossible to calculate exactly, I mean how many calories do you burn while blinking or talking with you hands?? That said what we are discussing here is how to maximise the amount of calories you burn in each key area. For this, when it comes to NEAT its easy, MOVE MORE! All my clients will be given a daily step goal to hit each day, this is to ensure they positively impact their NEAT calories burnt each day. If you really pay attention to your NEAT movement, you can burn an extra 1000 calories per day.
EAT: This stands for, as you have probably guessed (EXERCISE ACTIVITY THERMOGENSIS) this refers to the amount of calories you burn during planned exercise and its likely not as much as you might think. An average 60 minute gym workout consisting of both weights and cardio will consume around 300-350 calories.
EAT equates to around 10% of your total energy expenditure.
How can you increase amount of EAT calories burnt?
Now this one is often conflicting with many people sitting in the cardio camp. You don’t need to go far in the gym to find someone on the treadmill sweating everywhere trying to burn the maximum amount of calories possible. What we need to look at here is what’s known as EPOC (Excess Post-Exercise Energy Consumption). This refers to the amount of increased calories the body consumes after exercise. Does cardio burn more calories momentarily than weight training, YES. Cardio will burn away the glucose floating around in your blood stream, however cardio has a low EPOC level (your body stops burning extra calories as soon as you stop exercising). Weight training however has an increased EPOC level, meaning your body will continue to burn an increased amount of calories even after you have finished training. Weight training will also help you to increase muscle size and strength which is going to have a large impact on the largest TDEE variable, your BMR.
TEF: This stands for (THERMIC EFFECT OF FOOD) basically how many calories a day you burn through digestion. Now here logic would state in order to burn more calories during digestion you need to eat more and yes you would be right. However this in itself would mean an increase in consumed calories which would not be offset by the amount of calories burnt through digestion. However you can influence your TEF calories without increasing calorie intake.
TEF equates to around 5% of your total energy consumption.
How can you increase amount of TEF calories burnt?
The biggest mistake you could make here is to consume more calories to increase calories burnt through digestion, as mentioned earlier burnt would not outweigh consumed. The key here is PROTEIN. Protein not only contains the building blocks required to build muscle and repair the damage caused during your workout, but it is also harder to digest and so requires more calories. Protein comes from the Greek word ‘proteus’ meaning primary as it is the single most important macronutrient you can consume. This is why you have both a calorie and a protein target to hit each day.
So to conclude, how can you maximise the amount of calories you burn everyday.
1.????? Lift weights
2.????? Walk more.
3.????? Exercise, a combination of weights and cardio is optimal.
4.????? Eat more protein.
Simple changes which can allow you to start seeing results in a fairly short period of time.
As weight training is such a key variable when it comes to achieving a body transformation I have included my ‘Time To Transform a guide to resistance training' ebook completely free within this newsletter. To access yours please click the link below.
Coach James
If you want to regain control and achieve YOUR body transformation in 2025, then join the ‘Busy Dad Transformation club’ a link for more information is below.