How are you able to find or avoid joining scam MLM companies?
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If you are wishing to join a Multi-level marketing company and you don’t know anything about what happens in his industry, that doesn’t make sense in your wish to join an MLM company. MLM is the best business to make money by tricing peoples because this business involves a chain of people.
I am not talking about the whole MLM industry but some of them are not legit here.
Let me ask you a question, How can you find the good and bad ones in MLM? It’s the toughest question I know. When we ask 100 people about MLM, 75% of the people will say it’s a fraud business. Scammers are playing their role at their best in the MLM industry with the help of distributors.
MLM is not a business where the distributors get rich fast. Apart from that, there are some rules and regulations that are given to distributors. This business is not just a hobby, we can get rich according to our hard work. The more time we spend more in this business, the possibility of getting more commission increases. If you are a beginner and if you are interested in MLM, I can give you some tips.
Is the price reasonable for the product?
If you are wishing to join an MLM company, Look forward to the products of the company and of course the price. Think as you are the customer and will you buy that product for the price given by the company? If the price is reasonable for you that you can take your first step because it will be a legit company.
There are companies that focus on money other than the quality of the product they are the real scammers. They are running a pyramid scheme company. The distributors will recruit people according to their wishes because they need to gain their commission and moreover these distributors will do that because they have lost their money when they have joined that company so they will do whatever to get their money.
If you are not able to know whether the price is reasonable then you can compare the product with other MLM companies. Check the ingredients of the products. Verify that the product passes the common factors such as the product is eco-friendly, cruelty-free, ethically produced, etc.
Is the customers are real and are they satisfied with the product?
This key point of every business is to satisfy its customers with their product. The customers are the “Kings” who decide the growth of the business. The best way is that if you need to join an MLM company and If you have already chosen the company to join, as a final step before you join just buy any of the products and use it. If you are satisfied you can perfectly choose that company and move on because it will be a real company and you can confidently sell the product.
The other way is that ask the customer documents from the distributors and make a clear study. Check if there are real customers and moreover real products. Don’t fall into false advertisements as some of the company, for example, they will say that “ The product will surely cure diseases like cancer” this is a false message and the company is a scam. Some companies will show some fake proofs also do not believe them until you find the real truth about that company’s customers.
Ask the distributors that there are how many customers turn into a distributor because of the satisfaction of the product? Ask them are using the product of this company?
Is there a product that customers really want?
Some of the companies will fake customers they will advertise that they have so many customers and most of them are satisfied but actually there will not be. Beware of such companies and products. They do this to get reach-in people, only for popularity.
This type of company distributor will recruit an infinite number of people by canvassing for their payment.
Check the companies legal status?
Searching in google does not make any sense because you can see many articles and blog posts and you don’t know who is at the other end of these blog posts. We have heard so many legal issues of big shots about their branding and other problems for a long time. It’s better to be informed about company records. Check whether the company has accused of any legal issues related to pyramid schemes or something like that.
Are the distributors have high pressure to recruit people?
We all are humans and we all need money to live so when we love to “earn more without any risk or hard work”. This key point takes as a slogan as the distributors to convince any people to join the MLM company. They will say if you want to get rich quickly just join this company with a little investment.
The investment will be lower than building a business so people will jump into it. Only join a company that focuses on its products and customer satisfaction. That makes the business more real.
A legit MLM company will recruit distributors by giving them certain rules and regulations and there will be a training section for the distributors where they are taught how to behave? what they should say? Etc. Look for the distributors who are happy in selling the products of that company and who find happiness in selling or joining you into that company. A good distributor will give you some time for thinking. That is a good sign.
Are the distributors paid correctly?
Of course, we can make money as a direct seller. Every MLM company pays its distributors according to their work. If any of the distributors are talking to you like some get rich schemes then the company will be a pyramid scheme company. The distributors will not get millions of dollars within a less span of time. The effort they take in doing their business makes every distributor into success.
People will not consider MLM as a business they will do it as a hobby this is wrong. Take it seriously and spend some time in this business makes you earn more. We can take it as a part-time or full-time job that’s according to your wish. Look for the distributors who take clearly about the income with their earning status and talks about real business. Not here the words like some of the distributors will talk about some stories of fairy tales, they will speak like we will get rich in one night. Do clear calculations before you are investing in an MLM business.
Consider each and every point that I have mentioned above. Each question is important you need to find them all, maybe you can get more information than me. MLM is also a business opportunity and not a hobby take it in its seriousness. Think twice before taking any decisions not only in business but also in your life. Don’t fall into a fantasy world by hearing the distributors, be in the real world, and get some knowledge before you are willing to invest in a business.
When you are finally ready and if you find all the answers to the above questions and you are damn sure about the company, products, customers, and the distributors, just go for it.
And If you are a vendor make sure you have MLM software with you.