How writing will change your life FOREVER
Writing is that one method that can change the trajectory of your life and gives you control over your life.
To win the day you must plan it ahead
Tonight before going to bed, after finishing off all your work, get an agenda and a pen and start imagining how you want your day to go
From the second you wake up to the second you sleep
Get all the inspiration possible and start writing
Write everything you need to do the next day with order of how important the task is, or with a time sequence
When you wake up start by doing the first task in your list and whenever you are done with a task cross it away, DO NOT play with the order of your tasks
When you cross out each task, and finish all your tasks, get your agenda and pen and start journaling how your day went, express all your thoughts and feelings under the list of tasks you've written
Get everything out of your mind, get all the mess out
Get everything written on a paper instead of it roaming in your mind
Have a clear mind
That will not only help you think clearly, but will help you with your sleep and work
The concept of having a list, makes it crucial for your mind to finish it off
Your brain seeks instant gratification and is always finding the easy routes to get it through things like watching reels all day
Why don't you take advantage of that and make it push you forward?
The act of crossing out the tasks you do is giving your brain the instant gratification it needs, while making the work needed to reach your long term goals which are classified as delayed gratification
While journaling daily makes you express the thoughts roaming in your mind all day to have a clear mind to continue your journey
It helps you express the feelings you have and free your mind of everything it floats in there
After that make a new list for the next day, it gives your mind a new set of tasks that makes that cycle go all day everyday
It makes your mind under your own control
It makes it easier to reach your long term goals
The whole cycle is targeted towards reaching your goals, it is a cycle that cannot be interrupted, you have to go through the cycle everyday