How Writing a Book Will Change Your Life
When you became a leadership coach, expert in the health and wellness industry, or mental health professional, chances are you didn’t also dream about writing a book. Now, however, you can’t get the idea out of your mind.?
Maybe it’s been spurred on by others in your field who’ve written books of their own. Perhaps you have a ton of great information to share–information that will transform others’ lives–and you want to compile it all into a book. Or maybe you dream of leaving behind a legacy.?
Whatever the reasons, don’t ignore them.?
Writing a book changes your life. It boosts authority in your industry. It shares essential information you’ve gained through hard-won experience. And it proves to yourself that you can set and achieve goals that feel impossible.?
How Writing My First Book Changed My Life
As a booklover and writer for most of my life, I was confused why I couldn't finish writing a full-length book. All around me, I saw other people doing what I wanted to do. And it wasn’t for lack of trying that I couldn’t complete a manuscript. I was certainly knowledgeable enough. I spent hours reading articles, listening to interviews, and reading books about how writers I admired had become published authors. I attended writers’ conferences, seminars, and other writing-related events.?
But something strange happened. Each time I tried someone else’s strategy, I failed. Sometimes the writing routine lasted days, sometimes weeks. Occasionally, it lasted for months. But then I’d inevitably give up on the book.?
Why? I asked myself this over and over again. If I want to write this book, why is it impossible to do so??
When I finally discovered a method that worked for me, I thought it was a fluke. When I finished my first manuscript, I couldn’t believe I’d actually done it. The book was written. An entire, 55,000-word manuscript complete with “The End”.?
Years later, I held that book in my hands for the very first time. I can’t describe the feeling other than one of the best in my life. I’d proved the naysayers wrong. It felt wonderful to think of my high school guidance counselor–the one who hadn’t believed in me–and imagine sending him a copy. But what felt best of all was the realization that I had done this. I’d proved to myself that I could write a book. I could set a huge, scary, overwhelming goal and do the work required, go through the emotional rollercoaster, and be successful.?
After that, a dam of self-doubt broke. I went on to write eight more novels and a book of nonfiction. I believe anyone can do the same.?
How Writing a Book Will Change Your Life
My results are not atypical. Other authors have described the feeling of writing their first book in these ways:?
The reasons behind writing your book may differ from that of your peers and colleagues. But the results won’t. Whether you want to write a book for personal or professional reasons–or perhaps both–the satisfaction, pure joy, and pride you’ll feel in your accomplishment are well worth the effort.?
Having talked to other business owners, colleagues, and my writing students over the years, I’ve found three things prevent people from starting or finishing their books.?
These are all valid concerns that I’ll address in future articles. One key thing to remember is that there is a ton of information online to help with every single one of these problems…and others that didn’t make the list. Even more effective is for us to work with a trusted guide, someone who’s been down the road before us. Someone we can ask specific questions of.?
Thank you so much Joy. You've been a great coach along my journey and I'm so grateful for that. ~D.H.
If you are determined that this is the year when you finally write your book, find a writing coach–one who specifically works with authors–and get started. If you lack the time and/or energy to write the book, however, your dream can still come true.?
Consider working with a professional ghostwriter. Find excellent ghostwriters on Reedsy, a platform that vets its writers-for-hire. You could also check Gotham Ghostwriters for professionals to take on your project.?
Writing a book is a big deal. It doesn’t, however, have to be an impossible dream. Wherever your writing journey leads you, I wish you much success and happiness on your trek to becoming a published author.?
Joy Choquette has been writing professionally for the past 14 years and is the author of 10 books. She loves bringing other people's stories to life as much as her own. Learn more about her at and sign up for her monthly newsletter.