How to write a succinct email to a CEO/COO, which will increase your chances of getting noticed
Almost eighty percent of my clients are in senior leadership roles, and many of them are CEOs and COOs of very large organizations. One of the themes that often comes up in conversation is the fact that many individuals write to them asking for a job. A lot of these people do not bother to research the organization, do not highlight their skillset and often reach out to the wrong person.
The assumption is that most of these senior professionals will not even respond to emails, but my personal experience says otherwise. In my seven year career, I have cold called and written countless emails to people I have never met before. These individuals are now my mentors, friends, clients and trusted advisors.
Here are a few things I follow when reaching out to someone I do not know.
1.Research the organization your prospective employer works for, and be thorough in your research.
This is such a basic requirement, and yet, most individuals write to prospective employers without doing so.
2. Be familiar with their skillset, and their role within the organization.
If there is no publicly listed information, reach out to other people who may have worked with them. If that is not possible either, pick up the phone and call the organization to schedule an informational indoor. Sure, there will be many doors shut on your face, but you will be surprised to find out how many organizations welcome this move. This also reflects very well on you- you come across as someone willing to learn, and willing to put in the effort necessary to get the job at hand done.
3. When composing your email, it should have these three elements-
a. Context setting
Be very clear about why you are writing to the specific person you have chosen to write to . Write to them indicating a familiarity to their work, and tell them how your skill set fits in and how you can help them. This is absolutely crucial.
b. Write a paragraph introducing yourself- Just one, not more.
c. Thank them for their time. No one owes you anything. If you expect them to take the time to read, be sure to thank them. It goes a really long way.
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