How To Write A Research Paper
Kateryna Bykova
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A research paper is an academic work that provides in-deep analysis, interpretation, and argumentation of academic research. The research paper format is similar to the academic essay. However, a research paper tests not only the writing skills but also the knowledge of a topic, orientation in the material, and the academic research provision.?
You may look for a research paper example to grasp what parts a research paper consists of. Or you could get the help of an essay writing service to provide you with one. The vital parts to consider are the research topic, the thesis statement, and the materials to use in your research paper.
Difference Between A Research Proposal And A Research Paper
Besides the common question of what is a research paper, there is another nuance to the issue. A student must understand the difference between a research paper and a research proposal. They have similarities in the writing structure but pursue different aims. A research paper tests knowledge of a subject, while a research proposal aims to persuade the audience of the value of the research.?
You may consider writing a research proposal as a pitch for your research paper. The research proposal and paper may share one topic and a thesis statement. Make sure to conduct research that is profound and make an outline before digging into writing. Engaging the services of an essay writing service EssayService can provide invaluable assistance in crafting both research papers and research proposals effectively.
Before Writing The Research Paper?
Answering the question of how to start a research paper, the answer comes naturally- with the research. Pick a research paper topic that suits you, gather preliminary research materials, and study them carefully. Our history essay help experts advise you to take notes during the process to use them further in the paper.?
Сhoose A Topic For The Research Paper?
There is a wide variety of research paper topics available. As a result, it may be challenging to pinpoint the exact research you want to pursue. The main criteria for the research topic are: it should be original and specific enough. For example, the causes and triggers of World War I may be too broad, while the role of Franz Ferdinand's assassination in the global conflict may fit well.?
There are a few exercises that may help you to generate research papers and topic ideas. One of them is the free writing process - you start to write anything you come up with for the topic for two or three minutes straight, slowly narrowing the topic. You may also brainstorm with pain and paper and consult with fellow students or professors.?
Another great source of inspiration for research paper ideas is other research on the topic. Usually, they include a recommendations section that may provide ideas for your specific subject.?
Write A Thesis Statement For The Research Paper?
A paper thesis is the core of your writing. You may start with the thesis statement or end your writing with it. A thesis statement is the final sentence of the introduction that sums up the research and highlights its main idea. You may need a research report to define your thesis statement clearly and how to disclose it properly.??
It may be tough to start with clear and coherent thesis statements because, during your research and drafting, you will find additional information contributing to the thesis. Therefore, don't restrict yourself to the single vision of the thesis statement, as it will be refined during your writing.
If your own research paper starts with a research question, the thesis statement has to answer it. Answering the question of how to write a thesis for a research paper, one should be contentious, coherent, and concise. Each paragraph of your essay will serve as an argumentation for your thesis statement and its grounding.?
A good research paper thesis is a difficult task. You may apply for an essay helper to refine the thesis of your research and to make it as clear as possible. A thesis statement is a solid guide for the whole of your research. Therefore, pay close attention to it and check it at the different steps of your writing.?
Create An Outline For The Research Paper?
A research paper outline is a great helping tool that will ease the process of actual writing. An outline is a plan that divides your research paper into segments and helps you to establish the order in which you will enclose your thesis.
The structure of a research paper is similar to academic writing: introduction, several body paragraphs, which enclose the topic and provide arguments, conclusion. Therefore, the same structure is fair for an outline for a research paper.?
You may sketch the arguments disclosed in each of the outline's sections and embed the quotes from the academic materials to base your argumentation. Then, after all preparations are done, you may start writing the research paper.?
Writing The Research Paper?
Writing a research article requires patience and perseverance. The actual difficulty depends on the research you conducted and the preparations you made. Of course, there's always an easy way when you may just ask: 'write my paper' or 'how to write an extended essay' and hope for the best. However, the answer to the 'how to do a research paper' is like the rest of the academic papers.?
You start to fill up your outline and follow the regular rules of academic research papers: topic sentences, argumentation, and transition to the next paragraph.?
Introduction Of The Research Paper?
A research paper introduction is your research in miniature. The introduction answers the three major questions of the article: what? Why and how? When a reader finishes your introduction, they should know what topic you are disclosing, why they should read further, and how you apply the arguments.?
The question "what?" defines the background of your research. Introduce the research question, and provide basic concepts and key terms. The introduction should include a map of your essay, introduce the topics that will be discussed, and briefly present key sections of the paper as they go chronologically.?
Finally, highlight why the reader should invest their time in your research. It may be the most difficult and, at the same time, the most important part of your introduction. No matter which one of the types of research papers you choose, your introduction should give insight into your research and the new materials it provides.?
A research paper may be centered around an important issue or question. Explain why the issue has value and shall be introduced in the research. If you have a research question, it must be answered at the end of the introduction.?
The introduction should not be too long and exceed a few hundred words. You may write the introduction at the end of your writing when you see all your arguments and conclusions concerning your research topic.?
Body Of The Research Paper?
The body part of your article is the biggest chunk in your research paper structure. The body of the article provides the necessary argumentation, discloses the research question, and applies the arguments.?
The amount of paragraphs in the body section depends on the necessary word count of the article and how thoroughly you want to disclose the topic, including your own ideas about the topic. Usually, the body section requires three to five paragraphs. However, the body section may be expanded if your research topic is broad and needs a solid argumentation. There could be sub-sections of the body part where you will disclose each of the arguments profoundly.?
The paragraph structure of a research essay is similar to the regular one. First, it goes with an introductory sentence. Then, argumentation that supports the introduction quotes that support the arguments if necessary, and closing a paragraph with a transition sentence to the next topic.?
Conclusion Of The Research Paper?
Your research paper conclusion aims to provide a sense of finality to a reader. Trace back the argumentation you used in your body section and ensure that your reader understands the resolution of the raised issue. You may discuss more general consequences of the raised topic. The conclusion may outline questions and topics raised in the article but were not fully disclosed and offer new questions for future research papers.?
You should not include the following information in your conclusion:?
In case you have troubles with your paper, our research paper writing services are ready to help 24/7.
Resources Of The Research Paper?
Below we provide you with the options you can use as your research paper resources, so let’s take a look to see what they are!?
Your Teacher Or Professor?
The first person you should ask about how to write a research paper is your professor or scientific director. They will give you the proper guideline on where to start the research or what literature you shall apply to disclose the topic. However, do not rely on your teacher fully. The research paper aims to test students' ability to navigate the topic. Therefore, your professor won't do the hard work for you.
Still, you may consult with your teacher when researching argumentation evaluation and source application.?
Writing Centers
A perfect opportunity and time to write research articles are not always available. If that's your case, you may apply to a writing center. You may order essay or ask for research paper help from a research paper writer. Writing centers have a wide range of specialists that will devote themselves to conducting a top-notch essay. However, such a service is not free. Writing a research paper is not only doing the actual research and conducting an essay. It is about learning how to distribute your time and energy in the long run.
Writing centers may greatly help this task if you have enough resources.?
Academic Databases?
Last but not least, the source for your research paper is academic databases. Such resources as JSTOR or the Google Scholar search engine are a perfect helping hand for researching. In addition to MLA and APA styles, you will come across The Chicago Manual of Style and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers for your referencing requirements. You may narrow the search filters and pinpoint the exact needs for your research paper, such as the type of academic source, year of publishing, or author. Besides, academic databases have many research essay examples and works cited. You cannot plagiarize them, of course, but they can give you a grasp of the subject and necessary inspiration for the starting point or further research.?
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