How to write a proposal
Or I must be doing something right part 4
During my career I have had to write several proposals to win work for the company I was employed by, although such proposals need to be tailored to the customers requirements to my mind they should be structured as follows:
- Introduction/Executive Summary-The most important part of a proposal, it should consist of one page (as potential customers need to be hooked on that first page) and five paragraphs:
- Statement of the customer requirement and a statement that your company/consortium put forward this proposal to develop the solution (1-2 sentences)
- Description of the problem (or part of) space you intend to solve, this should include examples of why this is a problem and possibly a diagram, and is the main part of this section
- Description of the solution and how it relates to the problem you are solving and why you are best place to deliver this solution
- Impact your solution will have in solving the problem and any potential wider impact the solution might have (ideally include examples)
- Description of how you would take this solution to market
- Solution description; This should be a wider description of the solution , this usually includes a diagram illustrating the solution
- Team; A statement on your company’s capability and why you are best suited to deliver this capability, plus a short paragraph on each member of staff who will work on the project; In some cases, this may include multiple companies
- Work package descriptions; This section should involve a description of the work packages (individual tasks that need to be undertaken to help you build to your solution) including any deliverables related to each work package
- Risks; This section I usually put together as a table indicating what the risk is what the impact would be and how the project will mitigate this risk from becoming reality
- Timeline; This section should essentially be a diagram showing the duration over which the work packages will occur, how they interconnect, when any deliverables or milestones will be met and when the full solution will be complete
- Costs, Manpower and expenses; I tend to structure this section as a series of tables:
- Table 1: Manpower per work package (in days or hours) broken down per person, and associated price;
- Table 2: Expenses per work package, associated reason for expense, with associated cost
- Table 3: Price per deliverable (with an overall price at the bottom)
- Exploitation and wider Impact; This section will involve describing how you intend to take the solution to wider market, jobs it may create and how it might impact other products/projects you are developing
Most requests for quotes ask for other things or certain things in a specific format, but the above covers the main parts of any proposal that need to be covered; In a future blog I hope to provide a fun example of what I think should go in a proposal.
Previous Articles on ‘Or I must be doing something right’
How to pass any exam:
How to Structure a CV:
How to achieve Professional Chartership:
You can also read my latest article on the SME Leader Programme here