How to write a Kickass GitHub Readme ??
GitHub recently rolled out a brand new feature of creating profile-level "Readme" to showcase your skills.
Yes, it can be called as a Mini-Portfolio (why mini because you can't put much there but if you can utilize the power Markdown, it's going to be worth it) will tell you later in the tutorial, How you can power up the game ??.
The magic starts with creating a repo with the same name as your username. example: My username is "imshivamgupta" So, I'll create the repo as "imshivamgupta". This will work like Easter egg feature in GitHub it will generate a readme file in the repo with sample setup.
Now the power of markdown starts, I will teach a small brief how markdown language syntax works,
For Heading (similar like HTML syntax)
- # Heading One (Largest in Size)
- ## Heading Two
- ### Heading Three
Checkout this link for more Markdown Cheatsheet ??.
Wait, its not over yet, Graphic part is coming. You heard it right you can attach images also ?? in the readme.
Sharing a trick to create a awesome snippet, there's a open-source tool called help you out create things and the best part is you can export it as (PNG/SVG Format).
Now, you can add social buttons, tech stack labels, GitHub hits, and many more.
Overwhelming, I am providing you all the GitHub packages for these cool stuff, believe me these are very handy to use. Just give a try.
- (Badges)
- (Profile Hits)
- (Profile Stats)
You came long way, and I know now you can do unlimited thing in own way. This is world of infinite possibilities. Thing don't stops here there are ton's of new feature are available as you can create GitHub Action and hit different API's and update your readme file using CRON Jobs and many more thing.
Thanks for reading this article. Share your GitHub Profiles.??