How to write a job advert to attract top talents?
Writing a job offer seems intuitive, but it is not difficult to find examples of vague, uninviting ads on the Internet. So what information should be included in the ideal ad?
Appropriate job title
While it may be tempting, avoid phrases that say little, such as "ninja" or "guru." Instead, use words that accurately describe the position you are recruiting for. Put yourself in the role of the job seeker. What keywords do you think they’ll put into the search engine? The right job title will not only reduce the risk of confusion, but will also guarantee you a high ranking in search results.?
Company description and mission statement
It is worth at least briefly describing what the company you are recruiting for does and what its mission is. Remember that recruiting is in many ways like selling: you need to show the qualities of the company and its work culture and convince the recipient that it will be a good fit for them.
Describe what the job entails. What does an average day look like for a person in this position? Settle the description in a time context: what kind of projects will the employee undertake over the next year?
This is the most important part from the employer's point of view. Try to be specific. Emphasize which points you can't do without, and which are only welcome, but not necessary. This way you will encourage more candidates, especially among women, as they are less likely to apply for positions for which they do not meet all the criteria.
Earnings and benefits
We've already written that recruiting is largely like selling, so be sure to write about the benefits of working for your company. Ideally, you should include specific information about earnings. No free fruit or coffee will convince a candidate if he doesn't know that he can count on a decent salary.
Working conditions
In the post-pandemic era, remote or hybrid work has become the norm in many industries - so be sure to highlight whether such a mode is possible. If we are not talking about working completely remotely, it is worth mentioning where the office is located.
Contact information
Candidates will appreciate it if you leave contact information for the recruiter in your offer. This way they will be able to ask about the details of the offer that are particularly important to them.?
Additional tips
Write in the language of benefits: show the candidate how much he or she will grow under the wings of your company. However, remember to stick to specifics and things you can actually promise.
Looking for help with recruiting? Curious Geek Lab is just the thing! Go to and get in touch with us.?