Keep it simple and to the point to find the right applicants. Remember that applicants do not want to wade through a long ad. They need basic information and can get more details at the interview.
1. THE TITLE: It must be relevant and use one or two words. For example CARPENTER not Experienced Carpenter Wanted. You can detail exactly what you want in the description.
2. LOCATION: Use your suburb, city and state. For example Leichhardt Sydney NSW. If you are in the country specify your location, area and state. For example Dubbo, NSW or Southport, Gold Coast Queensland.
3. TYPE: Part-time, full-time, casual or contract. Specify starting time, days of the week or weekend work required and if they are flexible.
4. ROLE: Describe the core duties and what will be required including any on-the-job training. Include if experience required. State if you adhere to Health and Safety Regulations. Include facilities such as free parking onsite. Mention if age is no barrier if fit and healthy if required. If you are paying above award, providing a vehicle or offering professional development add this here. Mention that you support your staff’s wellbeing in their work practices and have a supporting workplace culture and environment.
5. REMUNERATION: High paying jobs should state the wage or the range. Note if it is above award, and if not it is not absolutely necessary to state the wage.
6. COMPANY PROFILE: A brief description of your company which will interest applicants. Note the year of your establishment.
7. SKILLS REQUIRED: List what is mandatory, such as a drivers’ licence, Working With Children’s Check, living in a particular area and more.
8. BIAS: Take care with how you write the ad: for example it is a handyperson not a handyman. Do not discriminate on age, sex, disability, religion, pregnancy, national origin or colour. Remember that in Australia we give everyone a fair go.
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