How To Write Great Website Copy
Natalie Milligan
Conversion Copywriter | Brand & Launch Strategist | Copy Coach & Mentor | Course Creator
The Purpose of Your Website
If you wanna make money online doing what you love then your website needs to convert.
In other words, no pun intended, your website copy needs to speak to your dream customers. That means you need to have clarity around your target audience and messaging.
Not sure how to write great copy for your website… let alone copy that sells? Fear not ~ that’s what this post is all about.
OK, let’s dive straight in.
Confession time… Have you ever done this?
Understanding how to write words that will convert into sales is a challenge.
Many of my clients explain, when we start working together, that after they built their website and hit publish...
They experienced crickets rather than the ka-shing sound they were expecting.
Now, in the majority of cases, it’s a copywriting issue.
Often there's a disconnect between my client’s energy, personality and brand story... and the words I read on their website.
The two things don’t match up.
So, when I bring this up, some of them confess to copying from someone else's website and pasting it on their own. (It’s OK, your secret’s safe with me)
I get it.
It can be hard to write website copy from scratch. And that’s why I don’t suggest you do that.
The tips I'm sharing will show you how to write great copy from a place built from personal insights, facts, knowledge and data.
But here’s the thing…
Your website should be unique to stand out from the crowd. Otherwise, you run the risk of sounding like every other Tom, Dick or Harry, whoever they are, with a website.
So, how do you write website copy that converts?
You start by writing copy that helps you stand out in a saturated market. This means being yourself and sharing your story because that is uncopyable!
Then you need to understand your customer's needs and desires... on a deep psychological and emotional level. Then you can write copy inspired from that place in your own voice.
You don’t need to copy someone else's copy ~ It’s not original, it’s not authentic. It’s not YOU.
This quote by, Customer Care Expert, Damon Richards, is the bedrock of any customer-centred copy I craft.
He says, “Customers don’t care how much you know until they know how much your care”.
I use it to stay grounded when writing copy and it keeps my heart in alignment with my customer's needs and desires.
Now, it's important you understand copywriting techniques, formatting and formulas.
After all, these are essential when writing conversion copy.
But if you do some of the core fundamentals shared here, you’ll be on the right track.
Connect with your customers
So, to help you write website copy that connects with your customers consider these questions:
What are they struggling with?
What words are they using to describe their situation?
How long have they been suffering, enduring, dealing with this problem?
How different will their lives be when they discover you exist and hold the key to improving their lives?
Now it's time to carry out a little research to understand your target audience more…
Where are they hanging out online?
Which platforms are they on most?
What are they saying about their current situation?
And to inspire great website copy, pay attention to the words your customers are using.
Google, Amazon and Audible
So, when I say research, what do I mean?
Let’s say, I’m a relationship therapist and I help couples get their relationships back on track.
If I wanted to research my target audience, I’d look on Amazon and Audible. I want to know what books they’re buying and the reviews people are leaving.
I’ll pay attention to certain adjectives and emotions used. These words will allow me to write great website copy that is customer-centred.
And here’s a tip! Use the same language as your customers. That way when they reach your website your copy will resonate with them.
Words are powerful.
Then I’d head to Google to search for terms, words and phrases that my ideal clients are likely to use.
Now, remember, I’m a relationship therapist helping couples fix their relationship.
So, my client might search terms like:
He never listens to me
My girlfriend nags me all the time
How do I fix my relationship?
Should I leave my marriage?
Why do we fight all the time?
Should I get a divorce?
If location is an important factor then I’d include that in the search as well. For example, “Relationship experts in London” or “Couple’s therapists near me”.
Social Media
Then I’d turn my attention to social media.
I want to know if my ideal customers are on:
Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, TikTok, Twitter, YouTube or somewhere else.
There’s no right or wrong platform. But you need to go where your customers hang out most.
For example, if they’re on Facebook, then the chances are they’re in a group.
See if you can join the group. And pay attention to what issues and concerns are coming up. What conversations are taking place and what solutions are being shared.
On Instagram, look for:
Influencers, personalities, experts and gurus that your dream customers are following. Take time to look at their content and see what comments are being shared.
Video, Blog or Podcast?
It’s important to know how your customers like to consume information.
Do they prefer to watch a video, listen to a podcast or read a book?
Find this out. Then dive into the right platform and start following, listening and subscribing. This will also inform the way you deliver your content.
This will give you a solid pile of data to work with to inspire creativity.
So, after you’ve done the research, what next?
Well, as copywriter Eugene Schwartz, once said, “Copy is not written. Copy is assembled.”
You want to take your findings and treat them like you’re doing a jigsaw puzzle. That’s how you write great copy for your website.
You want to:
How I do this for my clients
Now as a copywriter, my clients know that I spend a lot of time in the research and content mining stage.
I’m pulling together everything I mentioned above as well as your:
I’m looking at the whole shebang, including stats, numbers and analytics.
I wanna know as much about you, your brand, customers, products and services as possible.
That way I have plenty to work with because I want to create copy from a place of awareness and abundance.
And you should too.
This is where... if you have the resources, teaming up with a copywriter at this stage can prove invaluable. And will be well worth the investment down the line.
Having said, that you can do this yourself.... Remember:
People want to feel seen, heard and understood.
Persuasion Copy
Speak in the first and second person, as in, “I”, “We” and “You”.
There’s a time and a place for the third person but... when it comes to website copy and blog posts... the first-person narrative is more persuasive.
Could your dream customer be you?
If you’re still not sure who your dream customer is then consider this…
Could your dream customer be YOU, only a few months ago or a couple of years back?
So many of us can draw on our personal experiences and turn our struggle into a relatable story.
If once upon a time, you were in the same boat as your dream clients... don’t be afraid to tell them. And use personal references in your website copy to connect with your customers.
Collect testimonials and use them for website copy inspiration
Ask your customers questions to get an idea of their thoughts around:
The feedback you receive can offer powerful insights and which can inspire your website copy.
Niche down
It’s OK, to start broad to begin with, but then practice digging a little deeper to get to the heart and soul of the clients.
At the same time drill down in the area of expertise you love.
Going back to the therapist example:
You could keep it broad and remain as a couples therapist or you could niche down:
Are you a therapist for:
Straight couples, same-sex couples, couples in the LGBTQ community?
First-time married couples or remarried couples navigating blended families?
Couples in traditional setups or in open relationships
Couples in the later years of their lives after kids have flown the nest or couples with young families?
Couples working through illness or bereavement?
Interracial couples or religion/faith/race specific couples?
Can you see how niche you can get and how specific you can be?
And you could shrink the net even more if you make it location-specific, for example:
You could be a therapist, who works with South-East Asian couples aged between 25 and 55 living in the City of London.
Knowing who you are speaking to will... determine the language you use... the products you sell... the services you offer... the prices you charge and so on and so forth.
It all starts with understanding who your customer is and writing website copy that speaks to them. That’s how to write great website copy. And that’s how to write website copy that converts.
OK, if I could wrap this up with a little summary and personal insight, I would say:
Alright, and now I’d love to hear from you!
Tell me in the comments, who your ideal customer is and be as specific as you can!
Till next time
Nat x