How to write a good RFP for eLearning
There are lots of vendors in our marketplace, some of whom have been around for a good number of years and have extensive experience in the field of L&D.
It occurred to me recently that these providers are an untapped source of knowledge that can help educate our community and help them make better decisions around who they partner with and how they select products and services to deliver their learning solutions.
So #AskLeX was born.
"LeX" is a Learning eXpert and in this video series, I will be getting different eXperts to take the hotseat as LeX and share some of their learning wisdom with us.
First cab off the rank is a long time colleague of mine, Richard Stubley from OpenLearn.
Richard has been working in the instructional design and eLearning space since 1987 and has run OpenLearn since 1992.
As with many companies in the eLearning industry, OpenLearn respond to a growing number of Requests for Proposal (RFPs) each year.
The quality and amount of detail contained in the RFP will ultimately determine the quality and depth of responses received from vendors.
If details are missing or incorrect, this will have a direct impact on the solution developed which will manifest itself in blow out of budget and timeframe for the project and occasionally a solution which does not meet expectations.
This is an all-too-common issue in our space and in this video, Richard draws upon his decades of experience to provide tips on how you can write better RFPs that will get better responses from providers and ultimately better learning solutions.