How to Write a Follow-up Email for Job Application
You saw a job vacancy for the particular post which matches your skills, experiences, knowledge and every requirement that the job calls for. You confidently submit your job application with great expectation. You sent your CV, cover letter and every document that was asked by the company. Now, here you are waiting for a call back for an interview. The period of waiting for a call from the company is the toughest time for every job seeker. There might be various reasons for not getting a call back. Some people think they may not be the right candidate and any other has reserved the post.?Nevertheless, never give up.?
Communication is the best way to uphold the connection with the company you have applied in. You must know that the company receives numerous applications for the same vacancy announcement. There are many chances of your email to get deserted among the many. So, without getting too aggressive you can send a follow up email to make sure that your application will be noticed by the employer.?
Here are some tips to follow if you are about to send a follow-up email for job application;?
Wait At Least for Few Days
Let adequate time to pass.?It can be understood that you don’t have a job and are eager to get one. You tried several options and you are not getting calls or any follow back notice from companies. There is no hard and fast rule, but wait at least 5 days to a week before sending your follow up email. There can be hundreds of job applications piled up which the company may be going through. If you are the right candidate then you will surely be called. But follow up email is also very much important.?
Know the Right Person to Send Your Email
It doesn’t matter if your email is powerful enough to change the decision of the recruiters. It won’t show its appealing power if you send it to the wrong address. Don’t make the mistake of sending your email to the wrong person or in a random email. First, be sure that the person you send your email is to the person whom you can reach to again.?The follow up email can turn to be wonder pill, but if you send to wrong person there is not guarantee to get the job.??
If you constantly search contact number you will surely get it on the website on the page.?You can also check contact on the LinkedIn or other?social media accounts of the company.?
For more tips click here.