How to Write an Exam well?
How to Write an Exam well?
This article will give you a step by step guidance of ` How to write an exam. You should read these points very carefully and also share these with your friends, so that can you can retain most of these. This article is helpful for both Executive as well as Professional Students
Writing Roll number in answer sheet
Write your Roll number only in the space provided on the cover page of the main answer hook and in no other part the answer books. Do not write Roll Number in the additional answer book. Writing of Roll number in places other than that provided for the purpose in the cover page shall amount to adoption of “unfair means”.
Do not make any distinguishing mark including religious symbols/prayers like God’s name, Guru’s name, Om, Swastika, 786 etc. in any part of your answer books. Similarly, do not write your Articles Registration Number, Name, any extraneous notes, remarks, or appeals in the answer books.’
First 10 minutes in Exam are very crucial
Don’t rush to attempt the question paper. First, go through the entire question paper and select your best question. You can spend some time reading the paper and choosing the pattern of attempting questions.
Even in the most difficult papers, there are always few questions which are very easy. If you once start doing easy questions, your confidence boosts up and you are able to do even the difficult ones. You should search for the easier question first to prevent yourself from getting demoralized from difficult questions.
No wastage of answer sheets
Write answers on both sides of all pages of answer book. Use all pages of the main answer book. However, start every new question on a fresh page.
Plan your time?
Devote appropriate time to each answer. Keep time for revision as well.
In all there are 180 minutes (3 x 60 minutes) to attempt the question paper.
Time (in minutes)
Total Time Available - 180
Less: Time for Revision at the end - (10)
Less: Buffer Time is the case of any contingency - (10)
Time left to attempt the question paper - 160
160 minutes/100 marks = 1.6 minute per mark.
Allocate time for each question and don’t exceed the limits. Check your time lapsed at least after every 30 minutes. Answer all questions. Ensure that you plan your time well during the examination.
New Question, New page
Start every new question on a fresh page. You should also attempt?sub-questions on the fresh page.
How to write a theory question in Exam?
Write the question number on the top middle of the sheet. Write *Heading’ in next line and underline this heading, Heading is a must for every theory question. It will be easier for the examiner to check as he might not remember all answer number.
First Para — This Paragraph is an introductory paragraph and should give an initial reply to the question asked.
Body of answer — This part will have all your reasoning and provisions. This is your core answer. Size of this shall depend on the marks allocated and time available.
Last Para — This paragraph should give a conclusion to the answer written above.
?Draw a line at the end of every answer to indicate completion of an answer.
To illustrate
Answer to Question Number 1 (a)
First Para
Body of Answer
Last Para
Adopt effective presentation skills. Underline all the key words in the answer. Do not wait to underline the keywords after attempting all the answers. Underline the keywords side by side
How to write a practical question in Exam?
Write the question number on the top middle of the sheet.
1.???All workings should form part of your answer and should be written very clearly.
2.???Practical questions should be done in tabular form as far as possible. Also give proper headings to each table and to each column.
3.???It is generally observed that tables (Boxes) are drawn properly, but anything that is written in these tables is not clear. I solve this problem in 3 situations:
·????????If you use a Ball pen for writing — Make all formats of tables and headings from a gel pen or a pilot pen.
·????????In Case if you use a Gel pen for writing — Make all formats of tables and headings from a ball pen.
·????????If you use a Pilot pen for writing — Make all formats of tables and headings from a ball pen.
This will give your practical answers a terrific presentation.
Last Para/Line — This is a very common mistake student generally calculate the final answer but never answer the question. Final answer asked by the examiner should be mentioned in the last as a conclusion to the work carried out above.
Draw a line at the end of every answer to indicate completion of an answer.
Importance of first & last Answer
Generally, the examiner forms an impression after reading the first two answers. So make sure you attempt the first two questions to your very best.
Further last two questions also should be attempted well to make a good impact on the examiner.
?You will notice that you remember the names that are at the beginning or at the end rather than those in the middle of the list.
Similarly, the examiner is most likely to recollect what you wrote in the beginning and end. So write the best you can for the introductory and conclusion paragraph as the examiner is only going to recollect what you wrote in the beginning and at the end.
Small answer is good
Attempt all the questions in small paragraphs of 3-4 lines each.
Last 5 minutes
Last 5 minutes before handing over the answer sheet to invigilator are very crucial. Don’t attempt any answer at this time. Just check following:
1.???Your roll number, exam details, etc. are filled on the cover sheet of answer booklet.
2.???Answer books should be fastened together with a tag supplied for the purpose. Candidates may bring their stapler and staple them after tagging. I recommend fastening your sheets even if you have not taken any extra sheet. Number of answer books used must be clearly stated in the space provided on the cover page.
3.???Number of questions attempted should be indicated by way of a mark against the questions attempted, in the spaces provided for the purpose on the cover page of answer booklet.
4.???Check answer numbers and see if you have by mistake mentioned any incorrect number.
Disturbance is no excuses
Please don’t take disturbance as an excuse, expect constant disturbance during exams. Maintain your calm.
?Medium of Answering
English medium - Candidates- opt for English medium are expected to answer in English only.
Hindi medium - Candidates who opt for Hindi medium are expected to answer in Hindi only.
?Things not be done while writing Exam
1.???Do not write anything in the portion provided on the cover page for noting the marks. It is intended for the use by the examiner only.
2.???Do not write any matter on the question paper (except Roll Number).
3.???You should not remove any paper from the examination hail (except the question paper given to you).
4.???Don’t leave numerical questions for the end; try to attempt them somewhere in the middle.
5.???Do not make any distinguishing mark including religious symbols/prayers like God’s name, Guru’s name, 0m, Swastika, 786 etc. in any part of your answer books. Do not write your Articles Registration Number, Name, any extraneous notes, remarks, or appeals in the answer books.
6.???Make sure to write the answers only in blue or blue-black ink and in no other color, do not use red, green ink, highlighter, and sketch pen etc. for underlining or highlighting any sentence/Para/phrase, you are allowed to use pencils for drawing graphs, diagrams etc. but do not use pencil for writing answers
7.???You should not leave examination hall before three hours.
Akshat Jha – 72100 95200
Asst. Manager HR at Assister - The Helping Hand
3 年Be fearlessly expressive when your opinions are asked in the question. Use examples of your own to show the authenticity. You can draw the flowchart or a chain to indicate the flow or a cycle.
Thanks Prassan
Counseling Psychologist
3 年Exams can be quite stressful. The thought of sitting in the examination hall can drive anyone nervous. If you’re ready for the exams and feeling anxious regarding?‘how to write answers in exams’, then you’re not alone.?Exam Phobia is natural. In fact, a little nervousness can actually help you perform your best. In case you still facing phobia contact to expert counselor.
Counseling Psychologist
3 年Thanks Neha & Anupama
Plan each answer before you start writing