How to write an email that rocks?

How to write an email that rocks?

Email marketing is the first communication channel: sometimes we don't think about it just because it seems so natural to us writing and sending emails every day.

If you aren't able to write a clear email to your clients, prospects, partners, you lose the opportunity to communicate what you really want to say or you can create unpleasant misunderstandings that can damage your relationships and sometimes can affect your business.

Here is my 5 easy tips to write emails that are easy to open and read.

1.??Write an email object that is:

  • clear and simple
  • the key point of the communication --> get straight to the point!
  • focused on persuasive copywriting (with words such as "The 3 benefits of..." or "Here we are" or "Big news!")
  • not written in capital letters
  • grammatically correct (pay attention to errors and typos)

2.??Find online the name of the person you're addressing your email.

Avoid general accounts such as info@... or press@... because the risk your email will go into trash is very high.

Use website contacts or social networks (like Linkedin) to find the real person who can be interested in your communication.

3.??Don't' abuse of URGENCY

Many times we write that something is urgent even if we know it isn't, maybe because we think that, writing that adjective, the person will care more about our email.


The only reaction we'll have from our reader is anxiety.

And anxiety is bad for good work.

4.??Pay attention to punctuation.

It's so important to express the right tone of voice.

When you speak with someone, you can change your voice tone to communicate an exclamation or to ask a question or to show surprise and so on.

On the web you can't do that.

You have to use punctuation to communicate your verbal intentions.

5.??Be sure to have provided all clear and complete information.

Your goal is to optimise everybody's time: yours and that of your reader.

If you need some more information on this topic, you can find details in my book (in Italian, but I will write another book in English) " Web Content che converte".

How to create an effective email signature

Many people don't care about their signature but they commit an error just for two reasons:

  1. email signature can be a way to push your reader to do a specific call-to-action, for instance subscribe to your newsletter or download a freebie
  2. email signature is an element of your personal branding

Let's see how to write a professional email signature.

It has to have:

  • your Company logo
  • your first and last name
  • your job title (i.e. Content Marketing Manager)
  • your Company's name
  • your contacts (website, phone, email)
  • your social contacts
  • call-to-action (such as "Subscribe to my newsletter", "Download my ebook", "Discover my latest book" and so on)
  • some useful information (for example your attendance at an event or an exhibition)

If you want you can incluse also your p?hoto, so the person you're talking with can immediately identify you when you'll meet in person.

Photo also helps to create empathy in a written relationship.

Here is my email signature example where you can find all information I discussed above:

Non è stato fornito nessun testo alternativo per questa immagine

Let me know what do you think about it and if you have already created a professional email signature. You can also share the screenshot of yours!

Very good! Clear,concise, and relevant!


