How To Write Effective Job Adverts
Kelly Baldwin
Recruitment Agency and Travel Agency Owner - Enjoying the Best of Both Worlds ??
As with any advert you need to start writing it with the target audience in mind, so when you are creating your job adverts you need to think of the ideal candidate and what they would like to read as well as how you can attract them to your job advert; this means you will be more likely to attract the right candidate for the job role.
However, there are also others things you need to consider when writing effective job adverts, here aspire cambridge have put together some of these pointers below for you;
First Impressions Count
As with all adverts it’s about grabbing the attention of the right people, the more careful thought, time, attention to detail and energy you put into your job advertisement the better chance you have of attracting the right candidate to the job role.
Be Search Engine Friendly
If you are advertising your job role online you need to make sure it is search engine friendly and will be found by the right candidates. By this we mean that you include relevant keywords, the job title and other types of job titles as well as the sorts of responsibilities included in the job role; however make sure the job advert is written for the reader and not a computer – don’t make the job advert spammy and full of keywords or this will turn the ideal candidates off your job advert.
Lay It Out
To create an effective job advert you must keep it brief, clear and to the point; this can be achieved easily if you use the right layout for the job advert. Remember that many candidates will be using smartphones to job hunt so keep the adverts brief to keep the interest of the candidate. Candidates will also be searching through possibly hundreds of job roles so you need to make your job advert stand out; you can do this through bullet points and short paragraphs with headers to break it up.
Give Them What They Want
Make sure you include what your ideal candidate wants to know such as the overview of the position that is available, what makes this position different to other roles in the same sector and what makes your company different to other companies. Make sure you include the skills, experience, knowledge and qualifications that a candidate must have; as well as a clear call to action that makes it easy for the candidate to apply for the role. Sometimes vagueness can be off-putting to a candidate so as much as it needs to be kept short and to the point; don’t be vague about the role. Listing the salary will attract a higher level of interest and applications so avoid using ‘negotiable’ or ‘depending on experience’.
Include Visuals That Grab Attention
Interesting visuals included within your job adverts will make them more effective, but this is dependent on the industry you are recruiting for. If you have a cool or trendy office then do not be afraid to show this, perhaps you have a friendly and team focused company culture so show visuals of the team. An eye-catching layout and interesting visuals can really make the difference between a job advert and a successful job advert.
If you find that you are struggling with creating an effective job advert or attracting the right candidates to your brand then why not give our friendly team of professional recruiters in Cambridge a call; we would be only too happy to help.