How to Write Consistently Every Day!
Have you ever wondered how some authors are able to publish multiple books a year?
Me too!
For a long time, I didn’t think it was possible to sit down to write every day. Especially if the mood wasn’t right. But I discovered a few secrets that can help you become a consistent writer. Especially if you want to make a living from writing.
What Are Writing Sprints?
Many writers find themselves distracted by household objects, their televisions, incoming notifications, and the list goes on. Writing sprints are meant to help you concentrate on your main task–writing. So what are they? Writing sprints are short increments of set times to write without distractions. They could be as short as 10 minutes or go up to one hour. This all depends on the length of time you are able to concentrate in a single sitting.
The possibilities are endless with how you want to structure your sprints. You can break your sittings into short intervals so you can avoid feeling overwhelmed. The idea is that during the dedicated time, you are actively choosing to get words on the page.
Does Word Count Matter?
The short answer is no.
At least not in the beginning. When you are actively training your muscles to sit down and write every day, holding yourself to a certain word count…let’s say 1,000 words…could make you more anxious than ready to write.
This is why writing sprints are so beneficial to the writer. It emphasizes time rather than the word count.
But I’m on a deadline and need to write X amount of words a day.
Writing every day happens over time because we are building muscle and a new habit. Starting at level 100 can cause our brains to short circuit.
Read the full article here: