How to Write Compassionate, Relevant, & Timely Content
Lori Young
Your Offer Magician | Turn Your Passion + Expertise into an Irresistible, Profitable Offer | Offer Strategist for Wellness & Personal Development Entrepreneurs | Certified Coach & Master Marketer
We all are facing uncertain and unprecedented times which naturally makes us question the kind of content we are putting out into the world.
Even with the threat of the Coronavirus looming over us, our businesses and by extension, our marketing does not need to stop. In fact, for many heart-centered entrepreneurs, the messages you are sharing with your audience are more crucial than ever before.
That being said, we all need to be careful during this time – or any other period of crisis or catastrophe – to keep our content sensitive and relevant to current events. In fact, it almost seems socially irresponsible of us to not acknowledge difficult times, but it is equally irresponsible to do so in a way that could be insensitive to others.
So, how do we market without feeling inauthentic or without guilt over trying to sell at a time when many people are simply not in a position (emotionally or financially) to buy?
Pivot Your Intentions
For a balanced marketing plan, you always need to be producing content that rotates between:
- Engagement/Relationship Building
- Establishing Your Authority/Providing Value
- Promoting Your Business and Your Offers
In times of crisis, you need to pivot away from promotional content and focus on content that speaks to engagement, support, and providing value to your audience.
That is not to say that you cannot sell at this time (or during other uncertain times), but you need to do so in a way that is compassionate and sensitive to your audience – and in a way that truly has their current needs and best interest at heart.
People need your words of encouragement right now. They need the tools and resources you have to offer to move through this stress and uncertainty. They need the real YOU and your heart-centered compassion when it comes to calming their anxieties and fears.
Connect with your tribe and let them know that you are also a human being going through this WITH them!
As we are further isolated socially and physically, any form of connection is more vital now than ever. You can provide a piece of that connectedness for your audience.
Servant Leadership
Your role as a business owner during this period of crisis needs to come from the place of a servant’s heart.
How can your business HELP – if not the whole world – your people?
Consider what you can offer your clients and your audience for FREE at this time.
- Create a free PDF or another resource that is timely and valuable to your clients – or repurpose an old one that can be used to address current needs.
- Offer free coffee chats or Zoom calls to your tribe, so they can connect and voice their fears and concerns or ask for advice in their business right now.
- Publish value-based social media posts or videos that are full of encouragement and camaraderie.
These resources aren’t about establishing your authority or your offers, but about building relationships and supporting people from a genuine place of concern because we are all venturing into unknown, overwhelming territory together.
If you have ever been hesitant to show who you really are on a deeper level to your tribe, now is the time for transparency and trust in your marketing. If you are inauthentic during this time, you will damage your relationship with your audience far beyond the threat of COVID-19.
Because, truthfully, would you ever want to buy from someone who tried to prey on your anxieties and fear during a crisis? I know that I wouldn’t.
Clear Communication
We are all being flooded with emails from every company whose mailing list we’ve ever joined about their approach to dealing with the Coronavirus and while this can be overwhelming, it IS important to communicate to your clients how the services or products you provide are being affected.
If you are changing your hours or moving all in-person consultations to virtual meetings, you need to communicate that – especially to your current clients.
You aren’t providing this communication as a way to sell, but as a way to be considerate and to let people know in what capacity you are able to serve them at this time.
If your business is already online, instead of communicating your Coronavirus plan, try to send an email checking in on your audience, sharing words of encouragement, and offering them valuable resources (that are relevant to your business, but can also help them personally or professionally during this season).
And, depending on the size and nature of your business, this kind of communication also needs to extend to your team or those you outsource tasks to.
Remember, we are all in this TOGETHER and if your words have the power to enrich or encourage someone else right now, they need to be shared!
If the team here at Amazing OBM can help you during this time, we would love to be of service. Our team provides digital marketing services for heart-centered entrepreneurs that are ready to show up, systematize, and spread sensational content in the world. To access all our free resources for growing your business, visit