How to Write a Business Plan for an Online Nutrition Business

How to Write a Business Plan for an Online Nutrition Business

Are you making plans but not moving forward with your nutrition business?

The problem with planning is that many of us get caught up in planning to the point that no action takes place.

This famous quote by psychiatrist Carl Jung really hits home - “You are what you do, not what you say you’ll do.”

Many people get stuck in the business planning process when opening their nutrition business. This is 100% normal.

You’re not sure what to do or how to get more clients. Planning keeps you in this safe zone. You feel like you’re getting something done, but let’s face it you’re not taking action and moving forward.

I have been in your position. In the initial stages of creating my businesses, I was faced with a blank page for my business plan. I get it - it’s scary.

Fast forward a few years and I have built two successful businesses that make multiple six figures a year. I now teach my clients how they can grow and scale their nutrition business to six figures a year.

Just writing a business plan won’t make you successful. It’s about making a plan that you can action and move forward.

In my latest YouTube video, I share a step-by-step tutorial on how to write a business plan for your nutrition business.

Whether you’re starting a business or changing direction, it’s so tempting to try to be known for everything. But without a focus, your energy is split, and you won’t be known for anything.

If you have no focus or niche, how can you market to everyone? It’s simple; you can’t. A 20-year old has different concerns and issues to say a 45-year old.

That’s why it’s so important that you find your NICHE and really focus your energy.

This video will break down exactly what you need to do to create your business plan in easy and actionable steps to help you get a steady flow of clients.

In a nutshell, I discuss:

  1. The importance of choosing your focus
  2. How to figure out your target market
  3. What are you going to offer and how?
  4. Choosing how much you’re going to charge
  5. Why you need to define your marketing message
  6. How to outline your sales process

If you’re serious about creating a business plan that will help your business thrive and grow, then you will love this video. I take you through the steps you need to create a plan that will get you to where you want to be.

If you want to drive value and position yourself as an authority, you can’t miss this video!

To your health & happiness,

Natalie Santa Rosa


