How To Write A Book With An Intimidating Word count (how to write a lengthy book)

How To Write A Book With An Intimidating Word count (how to write a lengthy book)

Sometimes, I tell people I just finished a 50000-word book and they are like, 'what??'

'How do you do it?'

'I can't do stuff like that!'

The list continues...

But really, what are some of the things that really help me when writing books that have seemingly intimidating word counts?

Well, just 5 key points:

  1. Know your niche: I mean, you should most probably write a book in a niche you are very familiar with. I love cars, I write about cars. I am a final year medical student, health is a forte for me. I am all about self-development and motivation, so, bring it on. I am a Christian, so anything Christian is so natural for me. I once wrote 10k words at a sitting in a few hours from my head because I was so familiar with the genre. Of course, this does not mean you cannot explore new genres, but I am speaking generally now, a niche you are comfortable with is so easy to write on. (But honestly, I won't lie o.. I have become an overnight expert in a niche I knew nothing about previously when I saw the pay. Oh boy, I have done things! I mean, I wrote about sandblasting!!)

Like what's that?

  1. Get an outline: This is a lifesaver mehn.... 50000 words into 10 chapters is 5000 words. Break one chapter into 5 subheadings and you have about 5 different subjects to write 1000 words on, even though they are related. See? It's not that hard. Either your client gives you one or you create one yourself, just have an outline to follow. Once your outline is as detailed as possible, almost half of the work is done.
  2. Understand yourself: Sometimes, I feel like typing and at other times, I am like meeeeerrrrrrr. Now, you definitely cannot base your work entirely on only when you feel like doing it, but you can leverage on those 'up times.' Those times I feel like writing, I don't allow anything to stop me until I reach my target. Use those times well because they would not always be there. When you have the 'I-don't-feel-like-typing-anything' days, force yourself to go as far as you can. Even if you are slower, set a REASONABLE target and try to reach it. Feel like or not, the work has to move... And if you eventually cannot even lift a finger, have a good shower and go to bed. Continue the next day. Remember I said I am into motivation and all, so I know all those "I don't quit when I am tired, I quit when I am done and all' quotes. Great stuff I tell you. It is very true... sometimes! Sometimes, you can waste two hours writing 500 words because you are mentally tired and your productivity is lessened and then eventually fall asleep on your laptop, or you can go ahead and take a nap for two hours, wake up, and work wonders for the next two hours with better productivity!

Now please, let's be clear:

if you know that even if angels come to sing in your room, you would not wake up, please just keep working until you finish.

Bottom line, use what works for you... I know some people with green-lantern-will, who will complete whatever they set their minds to, no matter how tired or 'unproductive' they feel. If you are such, ko si problem! As I said, Understand yourself!

  1. Thorough Research: Sometimes people run out of stuff to write because of little exposure. So, do a lot of research before and even while writing. If you hit a wall, go online, find out more about your subject... The more you know, the more you write. I was once asked to write a 60000-word book on breastfeeding. At a point, even as a medical student, textbook stuff could not help me. I had to enter some breastfeeding forums to ask some questions and read practical experiences of mothers and how they handled some challenges. Yes, I can be that committed to my work... (I should flip my hair here, but I don't have hair to flip)
  2. Set reasonable deadlines: This is very important. If a book would take you 2 months, please tell your client two months. As a writer, you should know how many words you can write per day, or per whenever you write. (I say this because sometimes, I know writers might not start writing on a 3-week deadline job until the last week. lol.) Well, as long as you complete it excellently, no lele. That's not the best though. But hey, set reasonable deadlines.

In conclusion, I know we are different people and there is no straitjacket rule to this. So, you can share what works for you and how you get yourself to write lengthy books. If you have never tried it, you can follow these simple steps and I hope they work for you!

Till whenever I feel like LinkedIn is the place to post again!

I look forward to your comments!



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