The abstract is the briefest and most general description of a scientific paper. It typically offers an overview of what the paper contains, summarizes key findings, and provides some context for those findings. Many authors write their abstracts at the last minute, without really thinking through what the abstract should include. What makes your paper interesting and compelling? Let us give you some tips.
State the problem
Make sure that your audience understands the issue before you start talking about solutions. So make sure you clearly state what the problem is and how your findings are relevant. Make sure that readers understand the issue before getting too excited about your solution. If they don't get why it's a problem, they won't be motivated to find a resolution or appreciate the significance of your findings.
Have a Main Point
The abstract of your research resembles a brief news story. The main point is usually at the center of each article, and it's easy to understand what the author is trying to say. A sentence like this would work:
This can be used as a preliminary step before writing a full-blown paper.
Be Clear
The abstract should be written in a way that is accessible to a wider audience, because you never know who will find it online or through database searches. The paper should be clear, concise, and easy to read. It should state the research problem clearly and provide adequate background information for scientists outside your field.
Say What You Find, Don't Say What You Do
For example: "We did this" can be rephrased as "We found that. This is true especially when it comes to writing. By summarizing the results of a study or experiment instead of describing how it was done, you can save yourself lots of words while still providing readers with all the information they need in order to understand what happened.
Be Clear About the Importance of Research
If you want people to read your paper, make sure they know what the data are supposed to show. The abstract should include a statement about the significance of the work, as well as some specific information. This will help potential reviewers to understand what they are reading and why it is important.
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