How To Wrap an Exhaust
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In this post Lowbrow Customs helps you, cafe racers, with wrapping your Exhausts.
Here, the guys of Lowbrow Customs are wrapping the pipes on a 2007 Triumph T100.
Many people use exhaust pipe wrap for looks, it can also help hide damaged pipes or to hide welds or bad chrome / rust.
Supplies needed are exhaust pipe wrap (a 2″ x 50′ roll used here) and safety wire and safety wire pliers (or hose clamps if you want to go that route).
They pulled the exhaust pipe off to make it easier to show but you can do this on the bike as well. Some people use hose clamps to clamp the beginning and end of the exhaust wrap, but they decided to use safety wire instead for a cleaner look. The safety wire pliers make the job of twisting much easier than doing it by hand.
They wrapped tightly around the pipe with an overlap of approximately 1/4″, following the manufacturer’s directions. They chose to wrap my pipes dry, though Some people wrap the pipes with the exhaust wrap wet to get a tighter wrap.
When they came to the end point of where they wanted to wrap, they cut it a bit long and doubled the end over to keep it from unravelling before safety wiring the end of the exhaust wrap.
Once you finish wrapping your pipes make sure to run the pipe to allow the exhaust wrap to cure.
They would suggest not doing this in your garage or while riding it as it smokes like hell. Once it gets up to temperature it will cure and you will be all set.
Manifold is now done!