How would you respond to and deal with a complaint of sexual harassment?
The UK Worker Protection Act (Preventative Duty on Sexual Harassment) is nearly three weeks old. It is likely you have been working very hard to comply with the new law.
We are finding that many organisations have confidential reporting routes or that the majority of concerns are raised via line managers. It is imperative that line managers understand how to respond appropriately. An insensitive or disinterested response presents a very real risk escalation to a ?tribunal and/or the Equality and Human Rights Commission(EHRC) for a breach of the Worker Protection Act.
So, how would you respond and deal with a complaint of sexual harassment?
Or how do you think your manager should respond?
If you want to send a private message on how you would respond or expect your manager to respond get in touch. We can also send you a policy template to adapt to your own situation.