How would you like to help your team to give freely and confidently?
In my latest interactions with districts and individual schools, I’m constantly amazed at the pressure that admins and faculty experience.? Schools have become political playgrounds, and as a result sometimes it’s challenging to focus on just providing outstanding care and supporting students.??
Please share the insights below with your team, as a way to show them your support, and focus on helping them in their professional and personal life.??
Something True:
“There are those who give with joy, and joy is their reward” - Khalil Gibran
>It’s so important for us to own our kindness, our giving, and our service for others.? In part because our sacrifice won’t always be reciprocated, thus we must ‘give and forget it’, or to ‘not let our left hand know what our right hand is doing.’? Giving in this manner allows us to give with joy, knowing confidently that we are acting with integrity.? Instead of looking for a payback, which will only nurse bitterness and cries of unfairness.
Something Inspiring:
Wanna learn how to make or break a habit?? This short podcast will give you tools that you can immediately put into practice in your own life.? Share this podcast with your team, or include it in one of your meetings to create discussion, and improve individual growth.
Something Practical:
Learn to Repair.? It will come to no surprise to you, but you and others will make mistakes.? Your ability to repair relationships, and accept the repairs of others when these mistakes happen, is paramount to the wellbeing of your workplace.? When relationships fester in bitterness, hurt feelings, and gossip, the work place quickly becomes a place that you dread going to.? Repair, repair, repair!? Become a pro at it.
Something For Your Students:
Wanna know what teens are talking about throughout the country???
Here’s a short podcast that you can share in a group, classroom, or while you’re driving with your own kiddos.
I’m giving you the tools that will help you to throw your arms around your team.? If you want to briefly chat about how to systematically share this with your team, send me a line at [email protected], I’m at your service.??