How would You define Leverage?
Steve Hunter
AS400 professional with over 30 years experience in development, analysis & support. JD Edwards, JBA. MS Office Apps. Problem Solver. I also design Apps.
If you’ve been following any number of online marketers, entrepreneurs, growth hackers, business leaders, among others... you’ve probably heard that word a few times too many.
Usually it means financial leverage. As in, leverage debt to grow a business. Or leverage in negotiations - one who has leverage will get the best deal. Or, you can leverage access to specific, advanced technology or knowledge.
However, today I want to talk about a different kind of leverage.
Imagine someone who’s reasonably successful, but now stuck. No matter what they do, they can’t grow beyond a certain point… a point where they’ve been for the last several years.
Imagine they also understand their problem perfectly. Let’s say they’re too easily distracted.
How would most people try and solve this problem? (Including highly paid consultants!)
They’d try to help the client overcome distraction. Recommend meditation, deep breathing, yoga. These things are great and all… but they probably won’t have the immediate effect this person is looking for.
Another approach might be to limit the distractions. A clever way I’ve seen programmers do this is to work off their laptop’s battery power only. Meaning they start their day with 100% charge and their work day ends when the computer dies. Smart - it compels focus, if you have the discipline to follow through it.
However, there’s another… even smarter approach.
This person could use the distraction to their advantage. Design an environment where they are distracted… but by things that help them grow their business.
Distraction by success… not just distraction.
That’s the kind of leverage I’m speaking of.
It’s swimming downstream, not upstream.
While most say you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink, I instead give the horse salt; or put apple juice or oats in the water; or warm the water up a bit. All of these things are proven to make horses want to drink more water. Leverage.
People say “it’s like finding a needle in a haystack”, like that’s a bad thing. Give me a metal detector or a strong magnet and in seconds I’ll find you your needle. Leverage.
Some introduce me on podcasts as someone who can sell ice to eskimos, like I’m somehow special. Want to sell ice to an eskimo? Find one who’s in need of an igloo. Or hell, put a diamond inside the ice and then sell it.
Leverage is so powerful, it is the second session of the Prosperity Algorithm.
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