How would Lewis Hamilton do underwriting....
Running a lending business is like driving a race car! Yes, a good race car driver is fast.. but above all is responsible; knowing when to slow down, follow the racing line, brake late but not too late, accelerate in a straight line, make that heart stopping overtaking maneuver when the opportunity presents itself and above all avoid crashing into the wall or the other cars. For a race car to perform at its 9/10ths or beyond, it’s not enough to just have an amazing driver, a superb engine, or a great chassis, or a phenomenally aerodynamic design, massive brakes and so on (just ask Lewis Hamilton this F1 season!) …? but? you need all of these elements working together and in perfect unison with each other and with the driver. There are several critical elements to starting and scaling a lending business like product design and value prop, positioning, marketing and operations efficiency etc (some of these, I have discussed already). But nothing is more critical than making that ‘game time’ decision of when a customer is knocking at your door, trying to gain entry, do you let that person in or not and if you do, what conditions do you set so that everyone is able to have a great party. Ladies and gentlemen..... welcome to the world of underwriting, the heart and soul of a lending business! This is what will eventually determine if you are able to build a scalable, resilient, profitable and responsible lending business for the shareholders and customers alike.? Early on in my career, one of my mentors drilled a very simple fact. Lending at its basic form?involves giving people money and when you have a product that involves giving money, you will always find takers - growth will never be an issue! The key is to find those (or enough of those) who will also pay you back. There are several factors and data elements that go into making that underwriting decision and in this post, I will attempt to offer a framework to understand how it all comes together. In the most simplistic terms, the process to decide whether to lend or not involves four key elements- 1)The Data 2) The Model 3)The Policy 4)The Decision Engine .
2. The Model - If data is the fuel, the model is the engine that generates the power of your underwriting machine. At its simplest form, the model will take in the various data attributes and will predict the likelihood of an applicant going ‘bad’ - meaning the likelihood of that applicant defaulting on the loan. New lenders will likely start with a set of anonymized application data set from a specific time period. You will be able to buy these types of data sets for your target segments fairly easily from one of the bureaus. You will want to pick a time period that is far enough back that allows you to observe the performance of the applicants for you to build the model but not too far back that it introduces additional biases. For example, if I wanted to build a model from scratch, I will likely pick a sample from 2018, 2019 and 2020 and observe their performance through the next 2-3 years. I would isolate the data into a build sample (where the model will be trained) and a validation sample which will be used to validate the efficacy of the model. Typically your target variable (dependent variable) is a 90+ delinquency flag (60+ if you want to be somewhat conservative) and your independent variable will be the raw attributes that you would obtain from the bureau. You will likely start with hundreds (if not thousands) of attributes and gradually narrow the list down to the most impactful attributes. Once you have the first version of the model, you will validate that model for different time periods using the data from the hold out sample - i.e. how good is the model in predicting the likelihood of 90+ DQ (assuming that was the target variable) on a sample that the model was not trained on - after all in production, that is what the model will be doing - predicting risk for a completely new set of applicants. Based on the performance, you will fine tune the model, assigning more/less weightage to certain attributes. You will also compare the performance of your model against some of the out-of-box credit scores (e.g. 费埃哲公司 or Vantage ). The goal is to have the your custom model score predict or slope risk better than one of these standard scores. This will be your first model that you will go to market .. and despite your best efforts, you will take one (or a few) on the chin :-)? Why.. because despite your best efforts to get a sample that mimics your target population, the actual applicants will likely be very different because of the uniqueness of your brand, product value prop, state of competition, the macro/micro environment at the time of launch etc. Once you launch, please make sure you have a robust process to collect early reads (e.g. first payment default rate) and feed that back into the model to continuously refine it. Early on, you will need to make improvements frequently, likely once every 2-3 months.?You may start off with a simple logistic regression (I think it’s totally fine to use logistic regression initially) but over time as you collect more data and even add new data sources beyond just bureau, you will likely want to move to something that’s a bit more sophisticated - like?a machine learning based model which tends to have better predictive power and is able to handle a more diverse sets of data or have an ensemble model framework where multiple models are working in conjunction.?
3. The Policy - So you may have the best fuel and the best engine but to drive a car you also need the right inputs -? the accelerator, the brake, the gears etc. Your model will only spit out a score - a likelihood for someone to go ‘bad’ - it will not make an approve or decline decision for you. You will then have to decide how you will use the score to make that decision. Typically approve-decline decisions happen in 3 stages.?
a) Hard cuts or knock out rules - These are deterministic rules that you use before you even run your model. For example, you have have FICO score, Income and number of DQ in the last 24 months etc based cuts (I am oversimplifying - in reality you may have quite a few cuts) but you get the idea. Just like other elements, you will continuously refine your hard-cuts as you collect performance data on your applicants.?
b) Model score based policy - The applicants that pass the hard cuts are then run through the model to generate your custom model scores. Based on your risk threshold (each model score will have a ‘bad rate’ associated with it) and you will create your first cuts based on your risk appetite. In more mature businesses, these cuts are generated using a valuation model - a more comprehensive approach than just looking at bad rate (more on that in a different post). However, in your early days as a lending business, you will likely not have a?valuation model. In addition to deciding who to approve/decline, you may also end up using this model to determine pricing and terms (e.g. credit limit or loan amount). Eventually you will want to have separate models for each - a pricing model or a credit line assignment model in addition to an approve-decline model.?
c) Second look - Finally there will be some applicants that fall into the proverbial ‘grey area’. Based on the product, you may want to create a ‘second look’ process where you ask the applicants for additional information or documentation. One thing to note is that while the second look process is common and expected by applicants for high ticket size loans like auto or mortgage etc, it adds friction to small ticket loans like credit card and personal loans and may even lead to some adverse selection.
4. The Decision Engine - Continuing with the car theme, the decision engine is what brings the car, the team and the driver all together. Congratulations - you now have your Gen1/V1 underwriting model that you have put in production and started generating some loans. However, your job is far from over. With every new loan that you generate, you are learning new things that you need to feed back into the model. For those car geeks, how often have you seen a car that has an amazing engine but is certainly not the fastest or the most fun to drive or fails to win races because it is not able to put the power down effectively - because of a sub-par chassis or an underperforming team. In lending, the decision engine is often one of the most under-rated and under-invested part. So what is a decision engine? Your model and policies need to be updated constantly, be able to handle new data sources and be scalable. While all of these things can be done manually using precious engineering resources, imagine if one of your credit analyst could make the changes to your policies in a matter of hours (with the right controls of course!) using a no/low code UI vs using weeks of engineering resources. In the early stages of running a lending business, rapid iteration and ability to scale quickly is of paramount importance and a decision engine allows you to do exactly that. Provenir is one of the players in this space that I have some experience with. To take that to the next level, you can now integrate a decision engine with MLOps and can technically automate the entire loop - from collecting and analyzing the performance data, establishing benchmarks and guardrails,?making policy tweaks based on certain objective functions (e.g reduce losses by X% while maintaining Y new account production) and/or when certain guardrails are breached and implementing those policy changes automatically. This reduces the cycle time from weeks (sometimes months) to hours and will prove to a be huge competitive advantage -? every day that a sub-par policy is in place, it is costing a lending business a lot of money!
So there it is folks - one of the most critical stages in launching and scaling a lending business. Once you get better at your risk and underwriting models, you want to focus quickly on building a valuation model. Ultimately, your underwriting decisions should be based on not just on risk but the holistic valuation of the account - after all, you may be okay with booking a slightly higher risk account on the margins if that account is able to generate a net profit down the road. We will tackle this concept in one of the future posts. For folks who have had experience in launching a brand new lending business, I would love to hear your thoughts - what challenges did you face in underwriting and broadly risk management and how did you overcome them?
Strategic leader with expertise in analytics and credit underwriting
1 年Very well explained DD!
SVP Growth @ Ocrolus | FinTech Entrepreneur, Data/Tech Leader, and Startup Advisor
1 年Another good post!
Awesome article DD! Clearly written from a position of expertise vs the many fintech pundits out there who have never run a lending business!