How would eMedica Treats Parkinson
1.??Motor Neurone Disease: Motor neuron disease (MND) is said to be a progressive neurological disorder that presents with both lower motor neurons (anterior horn cells that project from the brainstem and the spinal cord to the muscle) and upper motor neuron signs (neurons that project to the brainstem and spinal cord from higher cortical centers).
2.??Classification of Motor Neurone Disease: MNDs can be classified into those affecting primarily the UMNs (upper motor neuron), those affecting primarily the LMNs (lower motor neuron), and those affecting both, and the nomenclature is used accordingly. The patient’s symptoms vary, depending on which set of motor neurons is involved.??
a)???Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) – ALS is the most well-known type of neurological disorder in the MND family. Famous cases of people with MND include Stephen Hawking, David Niven and Lou Gehrig who had Bulbar ALS. This is a very rare disease that affects the muscles of the legs, arms, respiratory system, and mouth. Incidence rates for ALS are higher in men and women ages 50 and up.
b)???Progressive muscular atrophy (PMA) is also a slow-moving variation of ALS and causes progressive muscle wasting in the legs, arms and mouth area
c)???Primary lateral sclerosis (PLS) is another form of upper & lower motor neuron disease that is not usually fatal but advances slightly slowly than ALS. PLS in children is known as juvenile primary lateral sclerosis
d)???Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a genetic variant of MND that primarily affects children. There are three types of this disease and is caused by a mutation in the SMA1 gene and affects the legs and arms areas
e)???Progressive Bulbar Palsy (PBP) is a type of MND that affects the brain stem region. Patients diagnosed with ALS can also have progressive bulbar palsy (bulbar als,) and PBP symptoms include frequent choking, difficulty eating, speaking or swallowing.?
3.??Cause & Pathophysiology of MND: MND is diagnosed when the motor neurons (nerve cells) in the spine and brain lose their function. Although a lot of research has been the underlying cause of MND is still unknown bit is generally attributed to environmental (sporadic) factors or familial (hereditary/genetic) causes or a combination of the two.?In 90% of cases with MND, the patient does not have a family history; however, genetic testing was not prevalent in previous generations, so this hypothesis is likely to be changed. Most researchers studying MND believe that the cause of neural dysfunction and premature neuronal death is probably a combination of damaging environmental and genetic factors.
?4.??Symptoms of MND
?Symptoms of MND Stage 1 include:
???????Limb-onset disease resulting cramps, muscle pains and twitching.
??????Weakening hand grip or premature fatigue.
??????Weakness in the legs & arms.
??????Bulbar-onset disease resulting in garbled or slurred speech.
??????Difficulty with swallowing.
??????Increased incidents of clumsiness or stumbling.
??????Respiratory-onset disease which causes frequent shortness of breath.
??????Lack of oxygen causing poor sleep or waking up with a headache.
As MND gets more advanced, the symptoms get more noticeable after several functions in the body are affected.
?Symptoms of MND Stage 2 include:
●???????Progressively weaker limbs progressive muscular atrophy
●???????Increase in muscle related pain spasms and twinges
●???????Increase in Joint pain in the hips, knees or shoulders
●???????Muscle atrophy causing limb muscles to shrink or be abnormally stiff
●???????Reduction in rotation movements
●???????Inability to control saliva resulting in Drooling
●???????Frequent and uncontrollable bouts of yawning that can result in jaw pain
●???????Worsening of speech as muscles in the throat area and mouth become weak
●???????Frequent changes in emotional state or personality resulting in uncontrollable laughing or crying
●???????Reduction in brain function and memory
Some secondary symptoms of advancing MND can include depression, persistent anxiety, and insomnia.
??????Symptoms of Advanced Stage MND (End-stage) – As the neurodegenerative effect worsen eventually, the patients are unable to eat, move, or breathe without assistance. At this stage, options are minimal, and stem cell therapy is likely not an option once the attacks have researched a phase of increasing body paralysis where patients cannot function without supportive care. Respiratory failure is typically the most common complications of MND that leads to patient death while others become unconscious or fall into a deep sleep from which they can pass peacefully.
5.??TREATMENT: How eMedica Can Help In Treating MND: eMedica device uses the specific program (as pre-programmed & fed in the device)- a combination of a specified Frequency, Voltage & Current to treat the Motor Neurone Disease.
a)???Mesenchymal Stem cells are un-specialized cells in your body that can change into any tissue or cell (neuro) in the human body.?It The cause of early degeneration of neurons is the “mitochondria'' which loses its capacity to rejuvenate the cells due to deposition of proteins. eMedica works at the mitochondrial level, reviving the cells and metabolising the accumulated protein.
b)???Enhancing the Cell charge Of the Nerve Cells, Glial Cells that provide support for neurons and help relay information between cells, provide nutrients and insulation. This reduces the “sporadic” cause of MND, thus helping to slow down the process of nerve damage and stop the damage of new nerve cells.
c)???Cell Transport disruption occurs when cells are unable to dispose of toxic waste within the cells. The toxic waste within neurons is removed by antioxidants using containers of waste known as micro vesicles. These antioxidants are provided by addition of electrons when there is flow of mild current during eMedica therapy.
d)???RNA processing & Aggregates of Proteins – Abnormal clumps of protein are known as aggregates. These dysfunctional clumps are found in all cases of MND and develop inside the neurons and disrupt the normal workings of the motor neurons. eMedica helps to dissolve these protein aggregates and revives the Mesenchymal cells.
e)???Enhancing the Cell charge with specific voltages and frequency Interns to improve the overall function of the neurons.
f)????Improving blood circulation thereby reducing stress on the nervous system.?
?Please Note that the treatments for Motor Neuron Disease are much more effective in the earlier stages of the disease.?
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