How the world really works!

How the world really works!

How the world really works! 

Do you feel like something has gone fundamentally wrong in our society? Why are there endless wars? Our society has been drained by hundreds of trillions of dollars in the name of social welfare & peace yet poverty grows, the War on Drugs has failed, the environment decays, education and medicine devolves while growing more costly. Our national debt is over 220 Trillion dollars – And Wall Street Banking terrorist were given a 29 Trillion dollar bail out when they should have been prosecuted for stealing and selling over 68 million mortgages as stocks (tax-free)!! 

Even with two breadwinners, it’s usually not enough to keep bread on the table! What historical facts will help put the pieces of the puzzle together to help us finally understand How the World Really Works?! Who are the culprits that are draining us like human energy chattel, why are they doing what they are doing, and how are they managing to pull off the biggest mass robbery of wealth and individual freedom in human history.   

I am thrilled to have listened to and spoken to Betty as she prepared this remarkable book. The power of its content can’t possibly be over stated! Read it and you will never see the world the same! Take the red pill and see just how far down the rabbit hole goes!

The book was a couple years in the making. About a dozen hard working people participated in rounding up incredible resources and constructing this magnificent beacon of How the World Really Works! And of course, Betty Lim has been, for over a year, dedicating nearly every waking moment of her life in getting this thing right! 

The purpose of this book is to provide a shortcut for politically and socially astute readers to acquire the essential knowledge needed to be effective in the ongoing fight to save our posterity the great experiment in freedom that was launched 200 years ago by our countries founders. 

This book will help you see who we are really fighting – It’s not ISIS, Al-Qaeda, Mexican drug cartels or the Russians. You will learn the enemy’s goals, and what strategies they are utilizing to attain those goals. Once you understand how the world really works, and who creates the obstacles, you can invoke effective counter-strategies – You can not only survive, but thrive! 

I urge you to acquire the knowledge of how your world really works and by this learn why every effort by Politicians is merely aimed at the symptoms and not the underlying cause. By learning How the World Really Works, you will fully understand why the problems only grow in size, scope and tempo – And why proposed solutions are insufficient, misdirected, and ineffective. 

Your reading of this book will help to expose and stop the destruction, and help to guarantee a future of freedom rather than slavery for your children!

If you have teenagers, this is a must read! Regarding how life on this planet works, this book is far more relevant than the King James Bible!


Mark Hunter, M.D., F.C.P. (SA)的更多文章

