How the World Was Made: Making Dream Sequences

How the World Was Made: Making Dream Sequences

On the Way to the Other Side.

The Foundation of the Universe.

A series of mini-books for the expansion of man’s consciousness.

How the World Was Made

Minibook Eight. ?Making Dream Sequences


Deuteronomy 6:4-9?King James Version 4 Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord: 5 And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.


Multiple roles to play

I have covered the general topics for this chapter to be addressed, the dream of Man, the many a man or that is His roles in His life ("To be or not to be"). The names of people in the biblical writings are personalities, characters, and roles that you play. You may part the seas,?slay the Goliaths, and many more. But in fact, it's only one that plays all the roles, and it is you, The King! But you may have forgotten who you are. Thus, when you know your power, you make the dream, play the roles, and manage them as you choose since you know the truth. But firstly, you need to pull all the other lost characters back to the one you are, the I AM. That is to say, those projected reflections of you out there in the Universe running the script you wrote for them to play running wildly.



Man is only dreaming His life. I covered this in chapters four and five in more detail. With that being said, I will show the process of making dream sequences that will appear in this reality, sooner or later.


Since you are the King, you have made from every thought and imaginative moment, your reality in a context in this reality, or it will be, sooner or later. The projection becomes real, and it is reflected in your desires whether you like it or not, for the conscious mind feeds the subconscious mind and it will produce that imaginative act, good or bad. How many of you are out there in the world or universe is unknown, but it is only up to your thoughts and thus could be an infinite number. Through the divine order of the Father, ye shall reap what ye sows.


I have suggested in previous chapters that you can edit or reprogram any past time by rewriting the event. Change the outcome of it to good from bad by changing what people said, did, and the conditions of that particular event. The see, feel, hear, smell, and taste can be modified to better, fit your preferred outcome. You want to reign in the bad experiences and behaviors to be good. The reflections must conform, sooner or later to support the now, and the so-called future.


Dr. Joseph Murphy explained it in this way, and thus the father is the conscious mind of your imagination that shapes the idea, which is sent to the mother, the subconscious mind to give birth to your desires, be they bad or good. I am the King, and the King gets what he wants, sooner or later.


Before falling asleep, dream the dream while in a comfortable position. While sleeping the dream will form as you sleep, perhaps dreaming that dream you dreamed before sleeping. The next day, the dream is reality or will be, one day, in the dream of life. The conscious mind commands the subconscious mind to make it reality, it has no choice but to birth your imagined state of being. It's a three-phase process. A dream in a dream in a dream. ?


The first-day dream (before sleeping) is imagined as you in the first person, using all the senses, people, language, context, etc. of what it is that you desire in life in the now. Dream big, dream good, and make it with love. Then you'll fall asleep. Perhaps dreaming of what you just imagined before falling asleep; If you remember the dream that you dreamed while sleeping when you woke up, and you may wake up around 4:30 am, write it down, but if you didn't remember the dream, it's OK. ?Sooner or later, it will appear in your reality.


Having a balanced mind, one that is in harmony in thought, or that is to say, you know what you think and imagine, and you know the consequences of those actions, is harmony or balance. If you think two many conflicting ideas, and your subconscious is also running differently learned programs from the past that are known or not by your conscious mind, you will experience confusion, and in addition, repeating occurrences in your life that seem to happen at the same time every year but you cannot quite realize why it happens. The reason is that your subconscious mind runs regardless of whether it's a good program or not. ?It must give you what you have told it to do. It should be the Yin and Yang of a balanced mind. You program or reprogram your mind, repeatedly, if needed, to make it one in thought. One mind, one man, one projection, and the same reflection back as per your desires.


I am LOVE. I am RICH. I am PROSPEROUS. I am HEALTHY. I am HAPPILY MARRIED. The subconscious mind must and will give you your requested conditions, sooner or later.


Just as Shakespeare wrote, "To be or not to be, that is the question". You have free will, and the choice to do as you please in life. God forgives everyone, for they are here to learn the truth of who they are, and that may take many life cycles because they cannot remember. But just remember, there is only one God. You stood by your Father before the world was made. If you think there are none, two, three, or more then you are in for a surprise. Don't mock your Father, for He is not fooled.


On this journey of life I have met the fallen ones, the ones who think of the darker elements, the evil, and think that their god is all-powerful, almighty, the maker of all. But even they know deep down inside, the truth that the master of the Universe is the one that made it from the beginning, and anyone who thinks they know more than the true maker will reap what they sow until they get it right. For there is only one, one universe, one body, one love, and one God, for eternity.


I was with the Father before the world was made, and that would also mean if I have a son, I am his father, and if he has a son, I am the grandfather, and my Father I was with before the world was made. In other words, we all grow up to be like the Father, after we have learned the truth. It’s the greatest gift one can ever receive.


The next book will cover the awakened state and the signs you may know you are on the path to the golden gates of eternity.


Man is the author and power in this reality or on the other side. It's your divine right. It is your glory as one with the Universe. It's the spirit of man that is eternal, and it is made with love. But the ignorant man can choose the other way, not the right way, and will receive all he seeks as well. It is your free will to do so. Hence darker elements exist. The gremlins, monsters, and everything you may imagine do exist. ?But do you want to go down that rabbit hole or stay in that?darkened?hole? It's not the glory you once had before the world was made, it's the bottomless pit of pain and suffering. But you have the choice. I suggest you choose the good, choose life.


Right now, you can be the master, the Lord, the author, and the power to change the world. It must start inside you (your mind), and then the outer world will conform to your desires.


God bless you on your journey.


I am, Rodney Josephson


?Copyright 2023 Rodney Josephson, all rights reserved. ?



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