How To Work Smart And Not Hard
Jonathan Yabut
Asia's Leading Motivational & Business Speaker | Contact: [email protected]
Have you heard of work-life balance? That’s one thing your boss (who’s likely married and is trying to juggle you and his children) has been trying to achieve for ages.
Fine, it’s true that your boss will appreciate that you’ve chugged bottles of Red Bull to get that powerpoint deck submitted on time. We get it. You stayed very late to get it done. But were you working hard because you were inefficient with your time? Because you also started working late? Or were you Facebooking all the while? Your boss will be more impressed if you can achieve the elusive work-life balance which most us will never have in our lives. Your boss will love you if you work smart, and dedicate time for a break.
I admire an employee who doesn’t need to burn the midnight oil to get work done. She knows which things should be prioritized – so she can spend the “life” part of work-life balance. She consumes her vacation leaves to travel and experience new cultures that will make her more creative and open-minded at work. She’s competitive and collaborative with her work colleagues because she has time for sports. She definitely sleeps better too. She's more energized and inspired to contribute back to the company.
Everyone is busy, so don't brag about those e-mails that say you sent at 3 or 4am. Get some sleep. And please, get to work early next time.
#work #smart #life #balance