How To Work As A Freelancer?
For Beginner by YouTheReal

How To Work As A Freelancer?

For Beginners by AmitRaj Sharma

On my Instagram and Youtube channel, people are asking me all types of questions and one of my follower on Instagram asked me how should a beginner work as a freelancer?

Before we start to talk about how a beginner should work as a freelancer, let's admit the truth that "no work is easy if that work has the potential to give you a good future." 

To start a career as a freelancer you don't need to be a master in any skills, you can start your own journey without doing any course because freelancing is a powerful medium to get cash flow by improving own skills but you should have the awareness about that one basic skill which can give you a strong foundation for your freelancing life. 

Some Popular Skills which are in demand:- 

(1) Content Writing

(2) Video Editing 

(3) Voice Over 

(4) Graphic Designing 

(5) Photoshop Editing 

(6) Web Developing

(7) Copywriting 

(8) App Development 

(9) Data Entry and e.t.c.

If you don't know about anything in between the above skills, don't worry here is the good news for you is that you can start with what you know or what you want to learn more for next level as per your own interest.

What is a freelancer? 

An individual who is not bound with any organizations & clients for any kind of job like an employee but always ready to cash in his/her skills in the form of services for the needy one, called freelancer.

Now is the time to know what are the things are really important to implement to have a good journey as a freelancer??

(1) Platform:- Many websites are available in the market to give you the work as per your skills and all have different types of terms & conditions, way of process to get a desirable project to work on.

that's why before to creat profile on any space read all terms and conditions, spend time on the platform to understand how are things are working on that. Don't start anything in a hurry if you want to get genuine tasks to give your best to have an authority for the long term.

(2) Profile:- Create a professional profile as per your services(skills). If you don't have an idea about how to have a vocational outline then check those freelancers profile who are working with the same skills which you choose to work on because this will give you a strong idea about how you should have an authentic&attractive profile.

Always keep remembering your profile is like a shop for visitors that's why it's necessary for you to put your best work below your profile to showcase your skills.

(3) Communications Skills:- Your communications skills are a doorbell of a client's door for you which will help you to let go inside.

in this modern era way of communication are improving day by day technically and all the professionals are adopting all the ways of communication very fast. So you should also keep improving your com skills like- video, voice, email chats and live video conference too because this way of communication always create a better understanding with clients to help you to work as per client's requirements on the time.

(4) Popular Freelancing Job Sites:-

? Upwork ?, People Per Hour, WorknHire, Guru, Fiverr you can also try Freelancer.

Now maybe your concern is "I am a beginner how all these websites will good for me" on this point you just need to understand competition is always good for self-growth and it'll surely give you big learning for a good career and most important competition is equivalent to Money and Growth.

For Next Important points which you must need to implement to be a professional freelancer listen to this below the podcast episode link ????

For Apple Users ??

If you implement all this point which I mentioned above and in the podcast, you will get a kick start to your freelancing journey.

Pic source google from pixaby

Have a happy execution because this will make you successful?.

Good luck

have a great Life.

Thank you for your question and time. I am totally grateful for that,


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