How to work faster & faster?
let me split work to “repeated labor” and “creative work”.
and repeated labor occupies 80% and creative work occupies 20%.
How to spend more time on “creative work”?
Total work time is limited, so we just need to think about how to spend less time on “repeated labor”.
write experienced work snippet
More and more creative work would become repeated labor. so when you study the new tech and convert them to experienced work snippet and remeber them.
Once you want to use these tech, at least you remeber the index of you whole knowledge if you don’t remember every detail.
So well organized experience is very important.
spend time on new tech
always learn new knowledge to you. some knowledge may be the old to others but new to you, you need to take it to your mind system.
work on new knowledge of your own, not only learn the existing, but also create some.
Ways to speed up your “repeated labor”
write demo/lab for what you wnat to remember
write demo just after the time you know the knowlege well. if you think later, later, later, you will forget a lot of things.
write as much as you can.
demo could like a lab, this could easily let you recover your knowledge quickly in the future.
write document and user guide
document is always important. and writing document is also an important skill. This could help you express yourself.
pack your work
Pack your work, make it easy to use, not just some lines of code. always do packing work when you are free or you have requirement.
Ways to take “creative work”
make full use of open-source
open-source is great, for software, for hardware, for a lot of knowledge.
learn from existing flow
your company, your team, even other team have a lot of good knowledge to learn, to convert to your own knowledge.
learn from others
when you are invited to some meetings, sharing, you can learn a lot from others.