How to work with Autoencoders ?
Tejas Shastrakar
Masters Student Mechatronics and Robotics | ADAS and Computer Vision Enthusiast | Ex TCSer | Machine Learning | Deep Learning
Autoencoders are a class of neural networks that are used in unsupervised learning tasks. They have two neural networks components: Encoder and Decoder. Both components have essentially the same configurations, which means that the shape of the input will be similar to the shape of the output, and also the input will be the same as the output.
What’s the use of an architecture that copies the input to the output? There’s no use at all. Let me explain:
In order to make sense of these networks, they have something called an information bottleneck in between. The number of neurons in this bottleneck region is much smaller compared to both encoder and decoder. This forces the network to reduce the information such that the noise is reduced, and they could only approximate the original data rather than copy it end-to-end.?
These algorithms are trained in an attempt to:
Traditionally, autoencoders were used for dimensionality reduction, where the high-dimensional data can be represented in the low dimensional space, something like PCA. But PCAs were limited by their linearity and couldn’t represent data with a high-dimensional non-linear manifold into a low dimensional space.
Autoencoders can do that thanks to neural networks. This is why the autoencoder and its variants are used in a lot of applications including high-energy and quantum physics, molecular biology, medical image segmentation, data compression, and more.?
Mathematical intuition behind autoencoders
A generic way to define an autoencoder using a mathematical notional will be f(x) = h, where x is the input data and h is the latent variables in the information bottleneck. This formula denotes the encoder part of the network.?
The decoder takes the latent variables from the information bottleneck, and then maps them into some output which can be denoted as g(h) = x`. The decoder is usually the mirror opposite of the encoder.?
Let’s explore the terms “information bottleneck” and “latent variables” a bit more, because they’re quite important.?
Information Bottleneck (IB) was introduced in 1999 with a hypothesis that it can extract vital information or representation by compressing the amount of information that can traverse through the network. This information is known as latent variables or latent representations.?
In a nutshell, latent variables are random variables that can’t be observed directly but are extracted from the distribution. These variables are very fundamental and they give us abstract knowledge of the topology and the distribution of the data. The latent variables, here denoted as h, can differ based on the variant of the autoencoder you’re using.?
The whole autoencoder can be described as:
Where both f and g are nonlinear functions.?
Types of autoencoders
Autoencoders have evolved a lot since their creation in 1987, and their applications have made them more task-specific. Here, we’ll discuss different autoencoders and their workings.
Undercomplete autoencoder
Undercomplete autoencoders aim to map input x to output x` by limiting the capacity of the model as much as possible, minimizing the amount of information that flows through the network.?
Undercomplete autoencoders learn features by minimizing the same loss function:
Where L is the loss function penalizing g(f(x)) from diverging from the original input x. L can be a mean squared error or even a mean absolute error.?
Autoencoders are powerful because their capacity is reduced—the number of nodes in the hidden layers is reduced along with the number of nodes in the information bottleneck. It is that way because even if the bottleneck consists of only one dimension, it’s still possible for the autoencoder to copy the input to the output, without extracting any information, when the capacity of the model is high.?
Our aim is always to extract representations and then reconstruct the input from those representations. In order to make an autoencoder that can learn and extract representations and also reconstruct the input, we need to:
Since the Undercomplete autoencoders maximize the probability distribution, they do not need a regularization function.?
Undercomplete autoencoders are not versatile and they tend to overfit. One of the reasons why it overfits is because it is a simple model with a limited capacity which does not allow it to be flexible.
Regularized autoencoders
Regularised autoencoders are designed based on data complexity, and they address the problems of Undercomplete autoencoders. The encoder and decoder, along with the information bottleneck, can have a higher capacity. This makes them more flexible and powerful.
Regularised autoencoders use a loss function for properties like:
Sparse autoencoder
Sparse autoencoders are regularized autoencoders with a penalty on the hidden layer along with the reconstruction loss:?
Where h represents hidden layers.
This approach of penalizing the hidden layers means that the autoencoder can have a larger capacity while still constraining the network to learn representations. The network is constrained by activating only a certain number of neurons in the hidden layer.?
It’s important to note that neuron activation depends on the input data, so they’re data-dependent, which means that the distribution of input data results in the activation of neurons in the hidden layers.?
From the image above you can see how sparse autoencoders activate different neurons in the hidden layers to learn the representation.?
There are two ways in which the sparsity can be implemented on a given network:
In L1 regularization, we add a lambda term that penalizes the absolute value of activation a in layer h to our loss function.
This lambda term helps us to regularize the whole model, as the regularization term depends only on the lambda.
Kullback-Leibler Divergence or KL-Divergence, on the other hand, calculates the difference between two probability distributions. KL-divergence is excellent at measuring how much data is lost while performing an approximation.?
KL-divergence emerges from information theory where we use entropy to calculate the amount of randomness in a piece of information. The higher the randomness or entropy, the more difficult it is to interpret data.?
Another way to define entropy is the minimum number of information required to encode. Essentially, if the randomness is high more information is required and if the randomness is low, less information is required.?
Information entropy is denoted as:
Where x is the information required
The problem with information entropy is that we don’t get the optimal information required to achieve that encoding.?
KL-divergence on the other hand modifies information entropy by considering the approximating distribution.?
We can describe KL-divergence as:
From the above formula, you can see an added approximation term. With KL-divergence being calculated to measure the difference in the distribution, we can now add this regularization term with the loss function. KL-divergence is also known as relative entropy.?
In sparse autoencoders, overfitting is prevented by applying a sparsity penalty. The sparsity penalty is applied on both the hidden layers and reconstruction error. This allows the model to be more versatile by increasing the capacity and learning complex topologies.?
It is important that the nodes are data-dependent since the input vectors are responsible for the activation of different nodes that yields results during training. Hence, any slight statistical change in the test data can yield different results.?
Contractive Autoencoder
A contractive autoencoder learns representations that are robust to a slight variation of the input data. The idea behind a contractive autoencoder is to map a finite distribution of input to a? smaller distribution of output. This idea essentially trains an autoencoder to learn representation even if the neighboring points change slightly.?
Like the previous types we discussed, this also adds a penalizing term with the loss criteria.?
Let’s explore the second part of the equation. It’s the squared Frobenius ||A|| norm of the Jacobian matrix J. Frobenius can be considered as the L2 norm of a matrix, and the Jacobian matrix represents the first-order partial derivatives of the vector-valued function, i.e. the vectors of the latent representation.?
The term above describes the gradient field of the latent representation h with respect to input x. This term penalizes large derivatives of the jacobian matrix or gradient field of the latent representation h. Any small change in the input that leads to a large change or variation in the representational space is penalized.?
Contractive autoencoders are a good choice over sparse autoencoders to learn good representation since they are robust to slight variations and the nodes are not data-dependent.?
Contractive autoencoders suffer from a major drawback in its reconstruction error during the encoding and decoding process of the input vectors. This leads to neglecting finer details worth considering for reconstruction.?
Denoising Autoencoders
So far we’ve seen how we can improve an autoencoder by penalizing it for being different from the original input x. The approach that we’ll see now is the opposite. We design our loss function such that the model trains to be less similar to the original output.?
In denoising autoencoders, we pass input that has noise added. The goal here is to train an autoencoder to remove those noises and yield an output that’s noise-free. It’s assumed that the higher-level representations are relatively stable and can be easily extracted.
To achieve this, we need autoencoders that minimize the following criteria:
Instead of minimizing the traditional criteri
The denoising autoencoder is trained to learn the representations and not simply memorize and copy the input to the output, because the input and output aren’t the same anymore.
Denoising autoencoders is good for learning the latent representation in corrupted data while creating a robust representation of the same, allowing the model to recover true features.
In order to train a denoising autoencoder, it is important to perform preliminary stochastic mapping to corrupt the data and then use it as input. This does not allow the model to create a mapping because the input and output are different.
Variational autoencoders
Variational autoencoders, popularly known as VAE, are a more advanced variant of autoencoders. Although being similar in basic architecture, they possess a completely different mathematical formulation.?
One of the biggest changes one can observe is in the way the latent variables are calculated. VAE uses a probabilistic approach to find latent variables or representations. This property makes it very powerful and compares to the autoencoders that we saw previously.?
The information bottleneck of VAE consists of two components. One component represents the mean of input distribution while the other represents the standard deviation of the distribution.?
Intuitively, the mean controls where the encoding of an input should be centered around, while the standard deviation controls the “area”; how much from the mean the encoding can vary.? We also inject a Gaussian distribution to the latent space which allows VAE to randomly sample noise and then model it using the mean and standard deviation.??
This allows VAE to have a probabilistic approach to represent each latent attribute for a given input.?
The encoder of the VAE (also known as the approximate inference network) tries to infer the properties of latent variables z. This can be described as:
The decoder (known as the generator) takes samples from the latent and generates output. The decoder can be described a
VAE can be described as:
The first part of the equation describes the reconstruction likelihood which tries to maximize the reconstruction likelihood, and the second is the regularization term.?
The fact that latent variables in the VAE are continuous makes them a powerful generative model. Also, the simultaneous training of a parametric encoder with a generator encourages the model to learn predictable coordinate systems, making them an excellent choice of manifold learning.?
VAE gives us control over how we would like to model the distribution of latent variables over other models which can be later used to generate new data.?
The generated image is blurry because of the injected Gaussian distribution in the latent space.?
Applications of autoencoders
Autoencoders have been widely used for dimensionality reduction and representation learning. When compared with PCA, autoencoders yielded less reconstruction error. It’s also shown that lower dimension manifolds extracted from autoencoders enhanced the performance on many tasks, for example:
We’ve discussed what autoencoders are and how they can discover structure within data. The information bottleneck, which compresses the data, is important because it allows autoencoders to learn latent representation which can be used in various deep learning tasks. Autoencoders are advanced versions of PCA, which could be non-linear manifold and still be robust to outliers.?
We saw the different variants of autoencoders and how they improve each other for a specific task. We also we get autoencoder to get a better understanding of how it works and also saw how different dimensions of latent space can have a different effect on the results.?
Full Code for Autoencoders for image compression: