How To Be A Winner When Interviewing

How To Be A Winner When Interviewing

By Jack J. Kelly

I bet that if a poll was taken and the question posed was “Do you believe that there are winners and losers in this world?” almost everyone would readily agree. If the poll was confidential and the follow-up question asked, “Would you consider yourself a winner or loser?”, the vast majority of respondents would sheepishly say that they are—unfortunately—in the loser camp. If there was an opportunity to provide color to their response, I feel that the vast majority of people would add caveats to their answer. They probably would not label themselves losers (which is a really harsh term), but rather share a history of setbacks and unfortunate challenges that resulted in being stuck in a position substantially lower than they thought they would be in their career and life by now. Their lack of achievements could be attributed to being born to the wrong parents who did not encourage them and left them emotionally scarred and broken. They fell in with a bad crowd, didn't study hard enough in school and now feel left out of the mainstream. Perhaps, they feel due to their race, religion, looks, height, weight or other factors resulted in discrimination against them that hurt their chances to excel. Then, there is always taking the dead-end path, staying too long at a job that went nowhere, getting fired, company relocated the position to another country, firm went out of business or you were replaced by technology.

To be fair, these are not excuses. I’ve noticed that to succeed and become a winner in your career and life, you need to be smart, hard working and have a lot of luck. There is a great book written by Malcolm Gladwell, titled Outliers, in which he asserts that genius is overrated and success is much more than someone’s innate abilities. Successful people often have a lucky and rare confluence of events in their lives, such as where and when they were born, their upbringing, cultural differences coupled with the ability to put in 10,000 hours of focused work to perfect their craft. For example, Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft, was born at the very beginning of the emergence of computers, had the luck to be born into a wealthy family that could afford to send little Bill to a top private school that happened to have top flight computers for the time period. In addition, he possessed the natural ability and skill set to master programming and also had the passion for it. Had Gates been born in Canarsie, Brooklyn, the odds would have been stacked against him having the same level of fame and fortune.

Despite bad breaks, poor decisions and being born in the wrong place to the wrong parents, you can still be successful and a winner. Ray Kroc, the guy who kind of screwed over the McDonalds brothers (well, according to the movie), built the burger chain into a monster success later in life. He started growing the burger chain at the ripe old age of 52 (back in the 1950s, being 52 years old was basically like being 75 today) after failing at dozens of jobs and early ventures.

You don't have to build Microsoft or McDonalds, but you could take control over your own career. When it comes to interviewing, you need to channel your inner winner. Here is what you need to do:

  1. Forget about the past. Whatever terrible things may have happened to you, it's over and done with. There is absolutely nothing you can do to change history. Maybe in the future, Elon Musk will build a way-back machine that will enable you to change prior events. However, until then, you can't change your past, but you can absolutely change your future. Think of today as a fresh new beginning.
  2. When you go into an interview, leave all of your fears, anxieties and self doubts at home. Trust me, people can sense if you feel like a loser; the interviewer will pick up on it. Plus, why waste your energy on negativity? You have the wonderful chance to get a fantastic new job. That’s terrific! Think of how fortunate you are to have this opportunity. Whether you obtain the offer or not, at least you can leave feeling proud of yourself knowing that you tried your best.
  3. Just as you should prepare your elevator pitch before your interview, practice how you come across. Role play with a trusted partner or friend. Work on your body language. Do you come across all hunched over? Are you unable to make and maintain eye contact? How is the language you use? Do you complain about things or do you sprinkle positive, exciting words into your vocabulary and conversation? How is your tone? Do you speak in a low-key, boring monotone or do you speak with strength and conviction? Do you make statements that sound like questions or are you direct, clear and concise?
  4. Look in the mirror and practice speaking confidently. Come into the interview with your shoulders back, chest out and standing up straight and tall. Offer a firm handshake while making eye contact (not too creepy, though). Be polite and courteous to everyone you meet. Don't whine or complain about the weather or the commute to the interview. Winners will walk through 6-foot snow mounds to get to this important interview, so why let a little traffic put you in a foul mood?
  5. Be prepared to offer at least six solid points as to why you are awesome for the job. Make them realize how terrific you are and all the fantastic traits, skills and experience you offer.
  6. Talk with enthusiasm. Use words that are powerful. It's okay to use your hands when talking, as it demonstrates your passion and excitement.
  7. Always remember to smile and smize (smile with your eyes; yes, it's a thing).
  8. If you are interested in a job, don't be afraid to ask the tough questions. Ensure that you really understand what they desire and expect from you. It also shows that you are interested, unafraid to ask the difficult questions and are up for the challenge.
  9. Be clear and bold in your compensation expectations.
  10. Replace all the negative self talk with positive mantras—constantly reminding yourself that you are winner.

It's never too late to turn your career and life around.

Please check out all my articles by clicking on this link. Thanks, Jack.

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