How To Win With Facebook Advertising In 2020 And Beyond
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How To Win With Facebook Advertising In 2020 And Beyond

Things are changing.

Consumers are getting smarter. More businesses are advertising on Facebook. Ad costs are going up.

So how do we embrace these changes and have them work in our favor?

That`s exactly what I`m going to reveal from now on...

I`m going to refer back to my experience as an advertiser, consumer and lifetime marketing student to help you win in this digital age, on Facebook.

"Whoever can have a message that deeply resonates with the audience, wins."

Education Is Your Golden Ticket

Every time I scroll the news feed, I get a sense that most businesses don`t know what the hell they`re doing.

Most ads suck!

In order to succeed in this day and age, on Facebook, you don`t have to be good, you have to be great. A great advertiser, that is.

And you can only do that by constantly improving your skills so you can do quality work and produce results.

For instance, I don`t worry about the competition because I charge a lot and that means I have margin to produce quality work.

There`s no competition at the top, folks!

(RELATED: 5 Common Ways To Burn Money With Facebook Ads - Which Ones Do You Want To Avoid?)

Nail Down Your Messaging

I always say this...

... whoever can have a message that deeply resonates with the audience, wins.

It`s not about having the biggest ad budget or the fanciest office. It`s about connecting with human beings at an emotional level and solving their problems.

Your marketing message is going to be an even more crucial factor from now on.

Consumers are getting bombarded by thousands of ads and millions of messages. Will you stand out?

Only if you can authentically connect with your audience.

"There`s no competition at the top."

Think Long Term

Do you want to be in business for a year or many decades?

For some, the answer might not be so obvious. Whenever I make predictions, I always come back to the fundamentals.

One of those fundamentals is developing a paid traffic strategy that stands the test of time. Easier said than done!

What I mean is that you must approach your advertising efforts with a long term mindset.

For example, I recommend my agency clients to run Brand Awareness campaigns to create that long term goodwill.

Later, it will be easier to convert people that already know your brand, using retargeting strategies, than going solely after cold traffic.

(NOTE: Want us to develop a Facebook traffic strategy that uniquely works for your coaching business? Apply for a strategy call now.)

Leverage Video

Video is becoming a major player in the advertising space.

Facebook wants to dethrone YouTube and become the "king of video." That`s why you can now pay pennies for views with their Video Views objective.

So why not follow the "video trend" and get yourself a nice return on ad spend leveraging this versatile medium?

If you`re not doing video ads already, don`t wait any longer ′cause it`s about to pay off big for 2020 and beyond.

The good news?

Most businesses shy away from it! It`s time for you to get on board.

"To succeed in this day and age, on Facebook, you have to be a great advertiser."

It`s Getting Competitive... Will You Fall Behind?

As we`ve discussed in the begging, grabbing people`s attention on Facebook is getting tougher.

For who, though?

For those who refuse to improve themselves and use shady tactics or outdated marketing strategies.

Authenticity, massive value and a well-rounded traffic strategy are your biggest assets to conquer Facebook advertising in 2020 and beyond.

As always, would love to hear your thoughts in the comments.


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