How and why independent hotels have advantage over corporate chains and can win every time.
The newest generation of travelers [from North America] – the oft written about Millennials – are having a decidedly pronounced impact on the evolution of branded hotel space [worldwide]. Unique experiences, lifestyle, design, and authenticity rule the day now.
If [your hotel] wants to get the attention of today's traveler, you have to offer unique, experiential, local, and authentic. Travelers want to be immersed in the destination. They want to do, see, savor and explore everything that makes your region amazing, unique and unlike anything they’ve ever experienced. This is what makes their travels meaningful, memorable and worth bragging about. Whether the traveler wants to stay independent, seek the remarkably uncommon, or enjoy an unforgettable stay, hotels now more than ever need to figure out how to realistically serve this very demanding segment. MMGYGlobal
HoteliersFriend is here to promote the uniqueness of your hotel and its location. We evaluate your brand's market position in North America and get to work elevating your hotel’s visibility by bringing it front and center when it comes to the folks that produce the bookings: the North American travel professional. For further information please contact us.