How and Why I Joined ERIE -Anniversary Edition
Anthony Gardner
Agency Recruiting Manager??????l Innovator??| Head Hunter ??l LinkedIn Guru??????l Step Dad ????????
Hello LinkedIn followers and welcome back to my newsletter. This has truly been a fun way to reach out you and share my thoughts and stories from working in the insurance industry. Today, I'm going to share with you how and why I decided to join ERIE Insurance as I am celebrating my one year anniversary this week!
Starting a new job is never easy. Now add in a pandemic, new ways of interviewing, and trying to keep everything from getting out to your current employer. The process was long, tough and interesting, but I wouldn't change everything I had to go through to get here and I'm glad to share my story with you today.
Growing up, my Dad had ERIE for duplexes he managed. I tried to get him many times to switch over to Farmers, but he never would. He didn't care if his son worked for the company. He wanted to be with ERIE, a company that followed through on what they said they were going to do many times. I was frustrated but respected his opinion.
Many of you know how I landed in the insurance industry. If you haven't heard that story yet, please visit 3 articles back. I enjoyed my time working with Farmers, a captive carrier, and owe them a lot for helping me get started in the insurance industry. As time went on though, I wasn't happy. I felt stuck in my role and could never get a clear picture communicated to me about my future. I kept my head down though and kept producing solid numbers knowing that my time will come.
During the course of 6 months, I had offers to interview with local insurance carriers at their corporate offices, but when I sat down to meet with recruiters or hiring managers, I felt the same type of culture that I was currently in and stepped away after one or two conversations. Like the plane ride, I knew my next opportunity would present itself.
Flashforward to October 2020. I go to meet with a candidate for Agency Ownership at a local breakfast spot in Bloomington. He shares with me why he is looking to leave his current position and a lot of his concerns were mine too. I wasn't able to share mine at that time, but I could connect with him on a deeper level and spoke of my dream of running a district one day to help lead people. Later that afternoon, he sent me a text and shared the posting for the job that I have now.
I applied that same day and a few weeks later I started meeting my boss, other members of leadership, peers, and support staff. Every person I met made me want the job even more. I could tell something was different about ERIE. From the questions that were asked, the openness, and the feeling of knowing where I could go, I wanted to have this job more so than anything I have ever applied for before.
With having an office that butted up against everyone else I worked with, I had to get creative with my interviews and phone calls. I remember taking one with, Doug Brod as I sat in the service center at Mike Miller Hyundai in Peoria. He opened up to me about everything that he liked, his frustrations, and what I could do to make an impact on day 1. My next conversation happened after I got a crown put on my tooth with one of my soon to be agents. She was just as open and has become a rock for me to lean on in my district. I can't begin to tell you how amazing these conversations were.
Two days later, when I met with my boss, Jerre McNiell and the VP of Claims, Dale Sabo. I was expecting the same type of interaction and it was one of the best interviews I've had. I joke with Dale that he was the toughest interview of them all and after getting to know him more, I understand why. He wants to throw you off your game to really get to know you more.
After that final interview, I had to wait a bit longer to find out an answer. I'm sure I drove my now wife, Stacey, crazy looking at my phone, refreshing my email, and cleaning or building things to take my mind off of waiting to hear back.
The day I got the offer, I was working from home and helping watch the kids as a foot of snow hit the night before. I got off the phone with the recruiter and let out a loud, "YES!" from my office in the basement. Stacey knew what it was right away and ran down to congratulate me.
Fast forward to a year later, I've done and shared more than in my previous 4 years in the industry. From leading talks to the entire company on how I use LinkedIn to recruit, to helping launch pilot programs, and having many people throughout the company reach out to me to ask my opinion on big and small things, I've been blown away by everything and greatful I said yes to a breakfast meeting. Had that meeting not happened with you Josh Humphries, I wouldn't be here typing this today.
If you are waiting for your dream opportunity, please don't give up. It will come and find you one way or another. When it presents itself, jump on it and do whatever it takes to land it.
Have a great week LinkedIn!