How the white brothers and sisters have stood by people of color.

How the white brothers and sisters have stood by people of color.

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Yes!... I to feel the same way towards our white brothers and sisters. I have watched for months, how the white brothers and sisters have stood by people of color.  

They have been there from the start, to the end. I have watched them stand with our brothers and sisters with determination and boldness. But, to be up front about this, it is long over-due for the time to recognize our white brothers and sisters.

More and more, you are seeing people other then ourselves, having been supportive of the black communities in concern of our rights, and unjust treatment by the law.

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Yes, Yes my brothers and sisters, whites have been there today, and in the past. Our white counterparts have been there for quit sometime, and have died in helping our people obtain equally. Now, how far do you want to go back?  

I'll go back to the early eighteen hundreds, before the civil war. In my small knowledge of our black history, I'll start with John Brown. John Brown was an abolitionist against slavery.

Though he was deemed to be crazy and charged with other offensives that led to his hanging. Many believed his death came to be because of his support against slavery. He did things above and beyond to voice his opinion, his position on the subject of slavery. What we are talking about is a white man who spoke out years before the civil war was started.

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Also, there were others during his time, and before his time who spoke out in the defends of the black people. But, lets jump up closer to the nineteen hundreds.  

To keep this story short, during the bus boycotts of the mid 1950s to the early 1960s, was a white woman who spared her time to drive black people to where they needed to go doing the bus boycotts.

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But, one of her passengers who was a army veteran who she helped get to where he needed to be. This encounter proved to be fatale. For her action in helping him and other black Americans, she was killed by white supremacists . I never forgot her story.

The last person I'd like to mention was a white dentist who gave dental care to black Americans that could not pay the cost of dental care. He to was killed for his actions as well.

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Look, It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see what's been happening here all these centuries. It is clearly taught by them, most trusted, family, peer pressure and friends.

This is self evident by the social changes down through the years. When society was totally segregated in the south and some parts in the north, it was easier to stay the course. It is what my neighbor is doing, so don't rock the boat. This has played out on both sides of the isle. 

Blacks because we had no choice, and whites because they wouldn't break the tradition. It is the independant thinker, the leader that slowly breaks down the norm of the past.

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It is those that have paid the ultimate price, mentioned above, that have helped bring the tolerance of today, the acceptance of today. For this wakening and bold stance has eased the tensions of yesterday.

All this with the working hands of all the black families of peace, marches, sit-ins and the push for the right to vote. Families like the Kings, Everts, Jacksons, and Shapton, and many others before them, and after, has brought us all to this point in rascal history.

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One hand washes the other in our struggles.  

Remembering in recent months and years, there have been black people that have come to the defense of whites, who have been attacked and beaten by blacks.  

And the two that mostly stand out in my mind, was a black girl who laid her body over a white man's body, to protect him from the crowd that was assaulting him. 

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I can't recall her name but, the image of the event on television clearly resides in my mind.  

Then there was a more recent one during the early riots in 2020, where a group of black men intervened, and one brother actually picked him up and carried him to safety while the others covered his back, this was a white man believed to be an outside instigator during the riots of 2020.

For some reason, these images I can never dismiss from my mind and don't wish to forget. Why?...  

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Because it reminds me that humanity is still alive and well.

What has inspired me to write this article was not of my own motivation. The credits go to this author:  troubleman31, he is surly worth a follow on Instagram.

This brothers summary touched me like a ton of bricks.  I was so inspired by him trying to tell our white counterparts his true feelings of what he knows as truth.


This is A' Rodor1960 Moment

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