HOW and WHERE to get ERC started ASAP.
Ron Jarvis
PROFIT ENHANCEMENT ADVISOR -- We help business owners and commercial/investment property owners realize little seldom used, huge savings and tax credits…. And we do the work on our own dime, so NO SAVINGS MEANS NO FEES.
Comparatively speaking, getting PPP money was a lot easier to get than it is ERC money. The PPP program was administered by the banking industry (the SBA) and any competent accountant could easily prepare the business financials needed to qualify for PPP loans.
But the Employee Retainment Credit (ERC) is administrated directly with the government and true to form they have made it just about complicated and convoluted as they can. Nonetheless, the financial rewards are far greater than with PPP. ERC pays up to $26,000 per employee, so it is usually worth running the government gauntlet, especially if you have a guide that knows the ERC ropes.
While PPP is now just another part of our Covid history, our experts seem to feel that the ERC program will be funding for maybe another 6 months… maybe longer. The catch is that it can take two to even three-quarters of payroll reports to define a company’s benefits. Thus, time is of the essence.
Since we work as a teammate with the accountant providing services that are not normally cost-effective for the typical tax professional to provide in-house, savvy accountants are signing up their clients for our ERC service (along with other services that might be applicable for the client) rather than sending the time and expense to get on top of the ERC puzzle on their own.
Here is our flyer on ERC which can begin to give you a little clarity to the program:
Here’s the online calculator mention above so that you can see what you might qualify for:
You can also sign up for the services directly there if you like, or just reach out to me. Either way, the sooner we get our “back office” experts working on your business the more likely it will be that you will see ERC stimulus money.