How & When To Use The Six Leadership Styles
Fruehling Coaching and Facilitation
Guiding Industry Giants to Quantum Growth and Happy Success through Conscious Leadership | Freedom + Impact Converged
Last week, I asked if you knew how to lead in difficult, challenging situations. Most leaders don't.?
In fact, most leaders are uncertain. They have one leadership skill and that's what they default to every single time.?
Often, leaders forget to look at the higher level of what's happening in the company. They don’t strategically think about what kind of leader they need to be at this moment.?
Today, I want to go through each of Daniel Goleman's Leadership Styles and talk about the time and place when it's best and most appropriate to use it.
Commanding Leadership Style:?
The first leadership style is Command Style. Last week, I explained that this style is not good for company culture. This is when you come in and drop the hammer and say, “You're going to do what I'm telling you to do and you're going to do it now.” The truth is, that doesn't make your team feel valued or appreciated.
However, there is a time when you need to use command style leadership.?
You want to use it sparingly and save it for when there's a crisis, or when time is short and a decision needs to be made. Then you need to be able to rise to the challenge and lay out a course of action.?
Pacesetting Leadership Style:?
Pacesetting leadership can be used very effectively some of the time. But, you need to make sure that you’re setting the pace you’d like your team to follow by example. Secondly, you’ll need a highly motivated team to keep up with you if you’re a high achiever.?
Your team must be on board with your pace. If they're not motivated, you're not going to get the results you want.
?Democratic Leadership Style:?
The time to use the Democratic leadership is when you need information. When there’s something you’re unsure of and you want everyone's input. You know that together, you'll have much more synergy around an idea than if you came up with it by yourself. That's the time to use a Democratic Leadership Style.?
Affiliative Leadership Style:?
The Affiliative style is crucial when there has been a rift and your team needs healing. Maybe? there's been unrest or problems, or you’ve had an amygdala hijack and blown up at your team because something didn't go well. You were being reactive instead of responsive.
When using the Affiliative leadership style, you’re willing to put people first above sales, profit, and EBITDA. This type of leadership needs to be used because you have to heal the team in order to engage with you.?
The last two leadership styles, Coaching and Visionary, are the healthiest for your culture.?
Coaching Leadership Style:
Coaching is when you, as a leader, can support your team by asking the right questions and encouraging them to come up with a plan. Questions like, “What ideas do you have?” and? “How would you do this?” or “How can you create the conditions to support and execute success?”
You’re helping them be more accountable, supporting them in thinking through a situation, and pointing out things they haven't thought about yet.?
Visionary Leadership Style:
Visionary leadership is when you are inspiring your team. You're laying out the vision and people are on board. Not only do they want to be on the boat, they want to be paddling in the same direction because they see the exact thing on the horizon that you see. You've painted a compelling picture of what's possible.
Visionary and Coaching are the best leadership styles and can be used almost anytime. Ideally, you’re leading with them 60-70% of the time and Command and Pacesetting 10-20% of the time.?
On October 6, from 1-2:30pm CT, we’ll be diving deeper into these styles during my live workshop, Six Leadership Styles To Take Your Leadership To A New Level. I’d love for you to join me! Read more and register here.
Sarah Fruehling?
Fruehling Coaching and Facilitation
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