Recognizing the need for and developing our skill for effective communication as business owner is essential for your success as both individuals and an entrepreneur. The abilities we possess can either enhance our ability to work with others in both our private and public lives or serve as a roadblock to our achievement of goals.
Communication is the truly the “lifeblood” of relationships and organizations. Think of the many facets of communication that each of us experience in a given day. Effective communication that flows from multiple sources in multiple ways can serve us well. – How attentive have you being to your customers Critics – read Communication is life
Messages often go unheard or unheeded due to obstacles in the flow of communication from one individual, clients or advisers. Individuals are able to operate at maximum capacity when communication is clear and effective.
Simply put, time is of the essence. And while most sales folks are good at maintaining their focus, some might fall prey to the “what’s next” mentality.
Instead of focusing on one thing at one time, you’re trying to do 100 things at one time, and it’s getting you nowhere. Instead of worrying about your one call at noon, you’re focused on the next call, and the call after that. And this attitude is dangerous in sales, where it’s essential to be actively engaged in the conversation, and listen to prospects, leads, or clients.
Listening, however, has become surprisingly difficult. In fact, humans listen at a rate of 125 to 250 words per minute, but we think at a rate of 1,000 to 3,000 words per minute. That’s a lot of words.
And this discrepancy results in breakdowns. According to Keith Rosen, 60% of problems in business spring from faulty communication. In other words, most issues boil down to poor listening.
With this in mind, active listening is the most important sales skill all Business Owners need to possess. Actively listening to prospects will improve your connect rates, help you develop better relationships, and ultimately, enable you to sell more.
Keep your fingers crossed with us as we unleash 5 ways Active listening can help you to use all critics
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