How well do you know Die Casting?
Die casting is generally the lowest cost method for producing complex-shaped components from aluminium alloys, and so rheocasting should also have the potential for low cost production. Die-casting is an economical way of producing large quantities of complicated shaped products of light metals with high precision. Melted metals are introduced at a high speed into the water-cooled metal die or mold through an injection process. The molten metal turns into a solid when in contact with the cool water. When the solidification and mold casting process has completed, the mold is opened and the ejection of parts initiated via a mechanical activation of the ejector pins. The die is subsequently exposed to air, sprayed with a lubricant, closed, and molten metal injected once again into the die to complete the cycle.
Advantages of Die Casting
1.Flexibility for the production of metal components.
2.High production rates and good dimensional repeatability.
3.?Economical Cost for large quantities production.
4.Particularly suited for comparatively complex near-net shape parts.
5.Long term and even permanent mold used.
Die Casting Capabilities