How Wealthy Do You Feel

How Wealthy Do You Feel

How wealthy do you feel?

But then again, what is wealth to you?

I remember when I was younger, I always thought that being wealthy was having lots of money, seeing the rich and famous living a lifestyle that I'd love to lead and that's what I chased, money.

Working long hours away from home thinking I was doing the best for my family.

I now know this was very shallow of me, but I see it now in other people.

Those who dream of having lots of money to live the life how they think they want to live it, which I can't argue with.

Many people out there do the lottery with the hope that someday there'll be able to afford everything they think they want.

While others have high powered jobs, paying amazing salaries.

These are just two examples of the type of people I work with.

However both are putting their faith into the hands of other people. And also usually do not have the time to actually live the lives they truly want to.

Giving the control of their life away to other people.

One set of people are living, waiting for the dream to happen while working, while the other set are working so hard they don't have time to live their lives, but both are handing control of their life over to other people.

Not taking the responsibility for their life, that they need to take control of it.

Do you feel like one of these people?

It's only when you're able to take control and responsibility for your life, can you truly feel fulfilled and satisfied, allowing you not only to help yourself, but to help others too.

Anyway, back to being wealthy.

As I said, I used to chase money thinking that being rich was being wealthy.

Because of this confusion I missed out on a lot of things.

But eventually realised and understood that being wealthy was not about being rich.

It was about being able to do what I wanted to do when I wanted to do it.

It's only when I started to see time as the most valuable resource that we have in this world, that my life started to change.

I realised that you can always make more money, even if you were to lose it all today, by selling your time.

But you can never buy time with your money, because once it's gone, you can never get it back.

It's only with this realisation that it finally dawned on me that I'd been chasing the wrong commodity to become wealthy.

Wealthy people have the time to do what they want, when they want and where they want to do it.

They do not have the shackles of limits on them because they have cast these off by one time in their past stepping out of their comfort zones so they're able to learn and grow.

Being rich, therefore becomes a result of being wealthy.

We all have the ability to be wealthy, yes, even you, it does not matter where you started from.

When you're able to take responsibility and have control of your life, breaking down the barriers that stop you and truly believing in yourself, then you're able to define yourself, which will enable you and empower you to live the limitless life that you desire and deserve.

I hope you found this informative and insightful.

If you'd like to hear more, please like, follow and subscribe to my social media channels and website.

Better still why not arrange a call with me.

It will cost you nothing apart from some of your time, which yes, as I've said, I know is valuable, but I'd love to hear what your thoughts are on being wealthy and how I might be able to help you to make changes in your life, to take control and responsibility.

Click on the link below and I look forward to hearing from you.

Thank you.

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