Today's post is related to some trends that will certainly mark the future of work. As early as it might still be, we can already see them being implemented in some companies. With today’s technological advancement this is already happening at a fast pace. Little by little, we can see small fractures from the future entering our present lives. This phenomenon is directly related to the evolution of technology and its impacts on our day-to-day.
“Technology, like art, is a soaring exercise of the human imagination.” Daniel Bell
The advancement of technology affects our way of living and working. Every day we come to realize with practical examples of how technology facilitates our well-being and improves our long and tiring task routines on something faster and more efficient. Our current challenge will be to accept evolution and be able to use its advantages in full the best way possible.
Nowadays we are watching more and more a gradual entry of some elements that we would never think to be associated with work. For instance, the existence of teleworking is only possible nowadays because the evolution of technology allows it to. Today we have access to several platforms where we can hold meetings and video calls without being in the same physical space. The trend will be increasingly changing the traditional office for the comfort of our home, or even so by the convenience of the café on the corner. This way we can better manage our routine, go to the gym near home, or even be productive while we have our cat pets purring on our side.
On the other hand, the ability to manage our own work hours will allow us for greater efficiency in our tasks. If you are a morning person, and because mornings are when you are most active and can dispatch many things, and even start new tasks that were not previously scheduled, then the best thing to do is to wake up earlier and try to be more efficient. In the future it will be acknowledged that the flexibility of time is a subject that needs to be well managed and present if the intent is to get more and better and at the same time keep people happy. Because, the goal will always be the return associated with a high level of efficiency.
Social responsibility practices will also have a major impact in the future. Because companies that invest in this type of practice launch an image about themselves which creates a sense of recognition and belonging, making people willing to work in such company. Topics like volunteering with our co-workers, gathering to help someone and create partnerships that bring welfare to others, make us become more motivated to be in a company of that level. And let us be honest. One of the great challenges will be to retain people. Clearly, the companies that invest in this kind of initiatives (teleworking, time flexibility and social responsibility practices) will be able to keep up-to-date and retain their employees better.
In addition, the technological advance will destroy many of the jobs as we know them, while creating new types. It is part of our own evolution to also know how to choose and direct our knowledge so that in the future we are able to potentiate this same evolution and also be part of it. We cannot live in the past, because what really matters is to follow, change and realize the dynamics of evolution. Highly specialized jobs are a trend towards the future. But, in my opinion, it's always important to never stop learning, to be able to have a comprehensive knowledge on various topics and to bet on new line ups. The aim will be to try to instill new knowledge and bring something new to what we already do on a daily basis. In other words, show that we can highlight, give strategic inputs and always put something of ours in what we do. The key here is to demonstrate that there are things a computer can't do, and, in that case, we are justifying the importance of our work.
The use of the information to which we all have daily access will have to be potentiated in all jobs. The data is extremely important, because it is through information that we can withdraw strategic and useful decisions to improve what we do. Therefore, it will be crucial to gain more analytical skills, to be interested in analyzing information and KPI’s. Thus, allowing us to perceive where we have gaps and also if we can pay more attention to this point and potentialize our work in the best way. There are several tools that allow us to analyze the data, or even introduce analytical reports in a more appealing way. Of course, not all of us are data-oriented people, but the goal in the future will be to get a transversal role that allows us to be flexible to show more initiative and we can also know something beyond we’re supposed to. Risking, learning and going beyond is very important. If our work only requires knowing X, it is necessary to know that as the future evolves, probably it is best to know a little something about Y too.
To finalize, we must use technology to our advantage, learning new tools and innovate what we do daily. Nowadays we are able to develop new techniques that are much more challenging and interesting with the use of technology. The key will be to assume that our jobs will continue to change and, therefore, we have to follow this trend and be ourselves the agents of that evolution.
Sara, thanks for sharing!