How we test our system before we start delivering
Written by Yair Band , Field Integration Engineer
Safety is paramount at Flytrex. Before any new feature or system upgrade makes it to our delivery fleet, it undergoes rigorous testing.
Our testing process begins in the digital realm. Advanced simulators recreate real-world flight conditions, allowing our QA team to test every aspect of the new system. From happy-flow flight patterns to extreme scenarios, we leave no stone unturned. These tests will include some typical scenarios as well as the most extreme edge cases imaginable.
But virtual testing can only go so far. The real test comes in the real world. Our team takes the system to our testing grounds for a series of in-air trials. These tests push the system to its limits, ensuring it can handle unexpected challenges. Safety is our highest priority while performing these tests as a new feature can often result in some unexpected or unpredictable behavior.
Finally, we subject the new system to what we call a Durability Test. This involves accumulation of extensive flight hours to identify and address any potential issues that might have been missed. We require every new version to meet a certain threshold of flight hours to validate its robustness and to allow time for all those pesky little bugs to surface. Furthermore, our Durability tests are performed in two different geographical areas to ensure varying circumstances such as weather, altitudes, air-traffic, GNSS constellations and many other conditions don’t affect the new version.?
Only after successfully completing all these testing steps does a new feature or system earn its place in our delivery fleet.
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