“Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.”
?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?Charles R. Swindoll
It’s not what happens to us, but it’s how we react that matters. What
is going to happen is going to happen. It is outside our control. Fate,
destiny, divine power, predetermined plan, nature, whatever name
we choose, “it is what it is.” What is going to be is going to be. We
can certainly shape our own destiny or steer ourselves down a path.
But there will always be “stuff” that happens. There are so many
things other people choose to do that are out of our control. What we
can control is our own point of view, our perspective, our reaction,
our dreams, our attitude, our lens we see the world through. How
we choose to react to the stuff that happens “outside us”: is always
our choice. What really matters is the stuff that happens “inside us.”
How we choose to act, react, see things, how we feel. Our values,
our virtues, our “thoughts.” Look at all the horrible, abhorrent misery
bestowed on people through no fault of their own. Look at the horrible
Holocaust. Yet, out of that came a man named Viktor Frankel. Who
taught us we always have a choice of how we see things, and no one
can take that choice away from us. No one. We may not be able to
control all that happens “out there,” but we can control what happens
“in here”. One thing no one can ever take from us is our mind, our
thoughts, our choice, our point of view. It is mine!
You can get the International bestseller The Shi*t I Wished I learned in College here: