How we are like plants
We behave so much like time casually notice how different species of plants grow.
There are the ones that plonk their might and weight when they grow. They need enormous space. They network underground and overground through their roots and branches.
They are what we in human lingo, can call, 'well-connected, influential, patriarchal, imposing, I-me-mine.' We see many humans around like them, don't we....
Then there is the parasite that derives its importance, identity and sustenance from its host plant. Take away the latter and the parasite dies, not knowing what to do, how to survive, desperate for another host - behaving like sycophants among us humans.
Look up buildings and apartments and you'll find this particular species growing near the pipes.
It's amazing that only that species grows there and none other. This is like those cases where you provide a situation and the appropriate people come out of the woodwork.
Like, for instance, when your car breaks down, have you noticed how suddenly the 'experts' (read quick-buck makers) land up out of nowhere? They possess the uncanny ability to make their presence felt at the most unlikeliest of places. Like this plant.
Check out those plants that don't need your help to grow. You don't need to water them or tend to them. They will grow and grow well without help.
And what's more, their stance will be straight, erect with shoulders back and chin up. Like the independent, dignified, assured types among us.
Then there are the climbers - opportunistic, ambitious, always on the lookout, knowing where to pitch and climb.... and the creepers - ears close to the ground, needing to reach out, almost gossipy, interfering....
Finally, there is the basil or tulsi, which refuses to grow randomly. It demands care, devotees, followers, almost snooty but benevolent, brahminical.
Fascinating, isn't it?
Teacher | The Gera School
4 年Wow... An interesting read.
Loved it. Every bit?