How will we fight daily and efficiently against popular beliefs (the obvious Trojan Horse against our health and beauty)?

How will we fight daily and efficiently against popular beliefs (the obvious Trojan Horse against our health and beauty)?

In a previous article, I talked about the so-called popular beliefs and their extremely harmful role in our lives – "Are popular beliefs the obvious Trojan Horse against our health and beauty?"

I don't know how these popular beliefs came about and how they developed, but I know that they exist everywhere and affect our lives down to minor details, both our lives and those around us!

Each of us has countless examples of major conflicts between different people that were based precisely on the difference in points of view on various popular beliefs!

But how can we defend ourselves? What antivirus can we use (to use an expression from IT about the terrible trojan programs)?

A first starting point is to see which are the areas affected by these popular beliefs, but simply listing them, from personal relationships to social life, from personal development to professional life, from health to beauty, confirms to us that it is not there is not even the most minor corner of our life that escaped unscathed!

So let's scratch our heads a bit, roll up our sleeves, and get started! But where to start? What is the zero point? What is the first principle to be applied here?

First of all, everything is essential, and we do not have isolated components of our life; every aspect of our life influences other aspects of life and is, in turn influenced by other elements of our life!

The chain reactions set off by these popular beliefs have to start somewhere, and logically, if we address the starting point, we could stop this chain reaction!

But what is the starting point? These popular beliefs have already reached us in one way or another, so we can't stop them from spreading to our minds! But what can we do?

The fact that these popular beliefs exist is not harmful in itself; what is dangerous is the action taken or stopped due to these false popular beliefs! So focusing on resulting action would be a great first place to start! Let's stop or block the translation of the information contained in these popular beliefs into various types of activities or inactions!

Easy to say, but a little harder to do! But let's get back to the basics! First of all, according to academic research, over 40% of what we do daily are not decisions but habits! In this regard, I highly recommend the article "Habits—A Repeat Performance" by David T. Neal, Wendy Wood, and Jeffrey M. Quinn!

So ground zero can be to analyze why we are doing something and what is the initial drive or factor for doing something!

So our intervention must be at the moment when we act or not, and at every moment, we must ask ourselves why we do action X.

Is it the role of social pressure?

Of the ads?

Of Social Media trends?

Is it the role of the stress of the environment in which I work or live?

Is it a "social symbol"?

What is the profound reason I do what I do now, and what result do I expect?


#TrojanHorse #Trojan #Horse #health #beauty #habit #daily


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