How we deal with our own limitations?
Photo by Luca Bravo on Unsplash

How we deal with our own limitations?

Understanding of how we deal with our own limitations, implies the way we respond to change!

Complex Adaptive Systems (CAS) is dedicated to studying the operational model of Nature, with particular emphasis on the joining of simple components giving rise to High-Valuable Products until they are able to promote self-replication. But if time factor is irrelevant here, in organizations the demand for solutions is strongly conditioned for it and using the same old practices with efficiency results, we have to find complex solutions from the simpler ones to build products that can last a decade of success.

 The use of this approach implies looking for solutions based on simplicity, diversity, and self-organization and to follow its evolution to complex and adaptive systems. The human factor, with the inherent difficulties of communication, trust, and task specialization, are an integral part of the equation, but this approach, which is not always well understood and therefore generating suspicions, requires continuous practices to respond to the pressure of having results in the environment volatile and unstable.

 One of the major constraints in the development of these practices is the poor understanding of how we deal with our physical limitations.

 Our energy-consuming brain is forced to have savings mechanisms, creating cognitive bias where we identify: the way we deal with the excess of information (few remember the myriad of events we meet on the way home because it is done in automatic mode), the little meaning we give them by focusing on those that have more meaning but not necessarily the best, and the constant need to make quick decisions to face the world.

·     The difficulties of promoting, accepting and developing trust in the environment that surrounds our daily lives

·     The form of communication, written, verbal or expressive, subject to interpretations not always transparent or clear.

Taking these difficulties into account in our daily work implies, a continuous action validated by 5 important points.

1 Quality. Quality pays for itself. A constant collective motivation in the search for solutions that meet the company’s needs and from this apparent disorder find a coherent set capable of generating quality outcomes.

2 Time. Time is money. If our analytical capability runs out, the solution should be found in timebox and clear goals meetings. Restricting or prolonging the discussion of ideas to preconceived goals or indefinite concepts leads to a reduction in quality.

3 Network It is not enough to want, it is necessary to have. Generating complexity from simplicity is associated with the concept of interdependence. A work supported on the network guarantees high performance teams because everyone feels important and each one is stimulated and understood.

4 Make sense. Make sense of the environment. Organizational and deductive capacity leads us to a constant seek meaning in decisions. The search for the identity of the group where we are in, a continuous identification of cues (perceptions of the environment) and a permanent retrospective analysis drive us to always follow a path, where greater participation in demand provides a more accurate answer.

5 Plan. Planning is everything, plan is a waste of time. The images are decisive in understanding a problem, playing chess without a board is possible, but understanding the game is impossible. The permanent construction of strategic planning in decision making gives a boost in making sense in the company and reduces the risk of decision making.

Like Nature we will never know if a decision is correct if we do not attest, but since we cannot test all solutions, the more it makes sense to those involved, the less likely it is to be incorrect and consequently the better the outcome.

Disclaimer: The opinions, ideas and concepts here described or referred are my own responsibility and is not related or representative of any work or professional relation actual or before. If some of my experiences and or thinkings resonates to you that's awesome but, if not, that's ok to!



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