How We Check For Skin Cancers On Feet
Damian Gough
People and Performance Manager | DNTL Code | Virtual Podiatrist | Digital Health Nerd
After seeing people with suspect lesions Jolene Meany wanted to check for skin cancers on feet. She has carried out some special training and attended courses in the use of the Dermatoscope. This is a device which is designed to magnify and examine the skin surface.
The Dermatoscope is a medical device with a high quality lens and a strong light which enables us to see minute changes in the skin. It has a scale which allows us to make measurements, and different light filters to pick out various characteristics of lesions.
You don’t need special equipment to check yourself though, just stand in front of a mirror and check all over your body for any changing or new lesions.
Use the ABCDE rule to look for melanoma where:
Ask your podiatrist about anything on your feet that you are concerned about, and we may use the Dermatoscope to examine skin lesions.
You can see photos of common skin conditions on?this page.